c++ Programming Glossary: doubling
count Pixel coordinates x and y http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10767057/count-pixel-coordinates-x-and-y y Sx Sx You're resetting Sx every loop iteration and then doubling it but then throwing that computation away next loop iteration...
Ways to do modulo multiplication with primitive types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168348/ways-to-do-modulo-multiplication-with-primitive-types use Russian Peasant multiplication . It uses repeated doubling to compute all the values b 2^i m and adds them in if the i..
What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13021985/what-is-the-equivalent-of-cpython-string-concatenation-in-c achieved Well with the update the same strategy of buffer doubling as in C std basic_string can be done which means that the existing.. the sum representing the costs of copying at each buffer doubling 1 2 4 8 &hellip N is less than 2 N. Linear time string concatenation..
Concept behind these four lines of tricky C++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17992553/concept-behind-these-four-lines-of-tricky-c-code Since the representation uses binary exponent and mantissa doubling the number increments the exponent by one. Your program does..
Why Free crashes when called twice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3117615/why-free-crashes-when-called-twice comment it can communicate gracefully to enduser about the doubling free the same location Short of keeping a record of all malloc..
Double precision in C++ (or pow(2, 1000)) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3389195/double-precision-in-c-or-pow2-1000 to the next digit. Start with a value of 1 loop over the doubling function 1000 times and you're done. You can predict the number..
std::string and its automatic memory resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3557591/stdstring-and-its-automatic-memory-resizing resizing share improve this question Usually there's a doubling algorithm. In other words when it fills the current buffer it..
How to avoid backslash escape when writing regular expression in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3978351/how-to-avoid-backslash-escape-when-writing-regular-expression-in-c-c d However until then I think you're stuck with the pain of doubling up your backslashes if you want the regex to be a literal in..