c++ Programming Glossary: do_put
pinpointing “conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value(s)” valgrind message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2612447/pinpointing-conditional-jump-or-move-depends-on-uninitialized-values-valgrin char std ostreambuf_iterator char std char_traits char do_put std ostreambuf_iterator char std char_traits char std ios_base..
Custom stream manipulator for streaming integers in any base http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6478745/custom-stream-manipulator-for-streaming-integers-in-any-base in putter. if base 0 base 10 return std num_put char do_put out str fill val We want to conver the base so do it and output... width str.width 0 return out Overrides for the virtual do_put member functions. iter_type do_put iter_type out std ios_base.. for the virtual do_put member functions. iter_type do_put iter_type out std ios_base str char_type fill long val const..
Segmentation fault in malloc_consolidate (malloc.c) that valgrind doesn't detect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6725164/segmentation-fault-in-malloc-consolidate-malloc-c-that-valgrind-doesnt-detect char std ostreambuf_iterator char std char_traits char do_put std ostreambuf_iterator char std char_traits char std ios_base..
C++ custom stream manipulator that changes next item on stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799599/c-custom-stream-manipulator-that-changes-next-item-on-stream So you can do struct my_num_put num_put char iter_type do_put iter_type s ios_base f char_type fill long v const return num_put.. ios_base f char_type fill long v const return num_put char do_put s f fill v f.iword geti iter_type do_put iter_type s ios_base.. num_put char do_put s f fill v f.iword geti iter_type do_put iter_type s ios_base f char_type fill unsigned long v const..