c++ Programming Glossary: draft
unsigned int vs. size_t http://stackoverflow.com/questions/131803/unsigned-int-vs-size-t precise information on the C99 standard section 7.17 a draft of which is available on the Internet in pdf format or in section..
Why can you return from a non-void function without returning a value without producing a compiler error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1610030/why-can-you-return-from-a-non-void-function-without-returning-a-value-without-pr embedded assembler or other tricky methods. From n2960 draft § 6.6.3 2 Flowing off the end of a function is equivalent to..
C++ template member function of template class called from template function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1840253/c-template-member-function-of-template-class-called-from-template-function seems to be still require this keyword according to draft n2857 14.3 4. Some compilers has special mode that allows to..
what does malloc(0) return? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2132273/what-does-malloc0-return ptr . Interestingly I can't find that statement in C99 draft n1256 or n1336 . In C89 the only sensible value to return in..
Is it reasonable to use std::basic_string<t> as a contiguous buffer when targeting C++03? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2256160/is-it-reasonable-to-use-stdbasic-stringt-as-a-contiguous-buffer-when-targeti string allocate space contiguously. Moreover the current draft of C 0x N3000 Edit Warning direct link to large PDF requires..
Is the return type part of the function signature? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/290038/is-the-return-type-part-of-the-function-signature For reference here is what the most recent C 0x draft n3000 says about signature in 1.3.11 which is much more complete..
Optimizing away a “while(1);” in C++0x http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3592557/optimizing-away-a-while1-in-c0x was necessary to allow For reference the most recent C 0x draft says at 6.5 5 A loop that outside of the for init statement..
What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3601602/what-are-rvalues-lvalues-xvalues-glvalues-and-prvalues and in which direction. From what I guess based on the draft the r l value distinction stays the same only in the context..
Why is std::function not equality comparable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3629835/why-is-stdfunction-not-equality-comparable and operator overloads just don't exist. In an early C 11 draft the overloads were declared as deleted with the comment N3092..
Why does left shift operation invoke Undefined Behaviour when the left side operand has negative value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3784996/why-does-left-shift-operation-invoke-undefined-behaviour-when-the-left-side-oper types. The behavior is undefined in C . From the last C 0x draft The value of E1 E2 is E1 left shifted E2 bit positions vacated..
What C++ Smart Pointer Implementations are available? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026197/what-c-smart-pointer-implementations-are-available Perhaps one of the originals it suffered from first draft syndrome only providing limited garbage collection facilities...
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c conversions. The first point summarises nicely from an old draft hopefully still substantially correct 1 Standard conversions..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords it's a non type it will be parsed as an expression. So the draft Standard says at 3.7 Some names denote types or templates. In.. them represent names. A name can take different forms the draft Standard says A name is a use of an identifier 2.11 operator..
Compilers and argument order of evaluation in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621542/compilers-and-argument-order-of-evaluation-in-c count on non portable behavior. I don't have the C spec draft handy but it should be similar to that from my n2798 draft C.. draft handy but it should be similar to that from my n2798 draft C Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine..
Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/81656/where-do-i-find-the-current-c-or-c-standard-documents of the standard. As mentioned in several answers here the draft versions of these standards are freely downloadable refer to.. download locations . However in my opinion even though the draft versions might be very close to the final ratified versions.. Of course starving students should go ahead and use the drafts if strapped for cash. It appears that if you are willing and..
Are std::vector elements guaranteed to be contiguous? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849168/are-stdvector-elements-guaranteed-to-be-contiguous will of course contain this as a requirement. From n2798 draft of C 0x 23.2.6 Class template vector vector 1 A vector is a..
Does moving a vector invalidate iterators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11021764/does-moving-a-vector-invalidate-iterators iterators are still good after a move . EDIT 23.2.1 11 in Draft n3242 states that Unless otherwise specified either explicitly..
C++0X Concepts are gone. Which other features should go too? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1155389/c0x-concepts-are-gone-which-other-features-should-go-too issue on Dr. Dobbs Trip Report Exit Concepts Final ISO C Draft in ~18 Months Herb Sutter Concepts Get Voted Off The C 0x Island..
C++: Confusing declaration semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1366277/c-confusing-declaration-semantics int x x garbage value of x From Section C Standard Draft The point of declaration for a name is immediately after its.. an array of 3 ints Why From Section C Standard Draft A nonlocal name remains visible up to the point of declaration.. enum e e enum e 2 From Section Chapter C Standard Draft The point of declaration for an enumerator is immediately after..
Is the Committee Draft of Standard C++14 public? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16149212/is-the-committee-draft-of-standard-c14-public the Committee Draft of Standard C 14 public As of last Saturday... This afternoon.. and approved the result as the feature complete Committee Draft CD of Standard C 14 to be distributed for its primary international.. here Std proposals Google group here Update C 14 Committee Draft CD announcement here C 14 Committee Draft CD document here ..
How does generic lambda work in C++14? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17233547/how-does-generic-lambda-work-in-c14 T a const return a Paragraph 5.1.2 5 of the C 14 Standard Draft n3690 specifies how the call operator of the closure type of..
Why both runtime-sized arrays and std::dynarray in C++14? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17353873/why-both-runtime-sized-arrays-and-stddynarray-in-c14 both runtime sized arrays and std dynarray in C 14 Draft C 14 includes both runtime sized arrays and the std dynarray..
Guidelines to do constexpr operator-overloading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17744842/guidelines-to-do-constexpr-operator-overloading does not imply const see Annex C.3.1 of the C 14 Standard Draft n3690 you could simply define both operator and operator as..
C++0X when? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/226061/c0x-when improve this question UPDATE years later... The last Draft have been officially finalized few weeks ago in Mars 2011 and..
return 0 implicit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276807/return-0-implicit at hand you can show then the paragraph in a Working Draft. Here is one for c 98 which already had this defined. http www.kuzbass.ru..
Is storing an invalid pointer automatically undefined behavior? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3838855/is-storing-an-invalid-pointer-automatically-undefined-behavior c c pointers share improve this question I have the C Draft Standard here and it makes it undefined by omission. It defines..
struct padding in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5397447/struct-padding-in-c at the binary level . Although the ISO ANSI C Draft Working Paper attempts to codify which programs will compile..
namelookup with Unqualified name : C++0x draft n3290 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6356994/namelookup-with-unqualified-name-c0x-draft-n3290 Unqualified name C 0x draft n3290 A point from the ISO C Draft n3290 3.4.0 2nd point A name œlooked up in the context of an..
Incomplete class usage in template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7210286/incomplete-class-usage-in-template point a semantic error Does the C 03 and or C 11 Draft Standard call this program well formed ill formed ill formed..
How to specialize std::hash<Key>::operator() for user-defined type in unordered containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8157937/how-to-specialize-stdhashkeyoperator-for-user-defined-type-in-unordered with the compiler and library. After consulting C Standard Draft N3242 §20.8.12 unord.hash and § hash.requirements Boost.Unordered..