c++ Programming Glossary: dosomethingelse
C++ Thread, shared data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/118199/c-thread-shared-data dataUpdated Thread 1 while 1 if dataUpdated updateScreen doSomethingElse Thread 2 while 1 if doSomething dataUpdated TRUE Does a compiler.. of the loop depending on whether or not it can see that doSomethingElse doesn't touch it . Secondly depending on your processor and..
Are do-while-false loops common? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1412081/are-do-while-false-loops-common errorCode 0 errorCode doSomething if errorCode 0 errorCode doSomethingElse ... if errorCode 0 errorCode doSomethingElseNew But recently.. 0 errorCode doSomethingElse ... if errorCode 0 errorCode doSomethingElseNew But recently I've been writing it like this int errorCode.. it like this int errorCode 0 do if doSomething 0 break if doSomethingElse 0 break ... if doSomethingElseNew 0 break while false I've seen..
Does throw inside a catch ellipsis (…) rethrow the original error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2474429/does-throw-inside-a-catch-ellipsis-rethrow-the-original-error code I do the following snippet try doSomething catch ... doSomethingElse throw Will the throw rethrow the specific exception caught by.. This cannot be the case for you being in a handler. If doSomethingElse throws and the exception has no corresponding handler because.. had just thrown begins stack unwinding etc. That is void doSomethingElse void try throw this is fine catch ... the previous exception..
Identifying primitive types in templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/580922/identifying-primitive-types-in-templates class A void doWork if T isPrimitiveType doSomething else doSomethingElse private T t Is there is any way to implement isPrimitiveType..
When to use std::forward to forward arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7257144/when-to-use-stdforward-to-forward-arguments int val typename... Params void doSomething Params... args doSomethingElse val Params... args... Should I use this instead template int.. val typename... Params void doSomething Params ... args doSomethingElse val Params... std forward Params args ... Also if use the parameters.. val typename... Params void doSomething Params ... args doSomethingElse val Params... std forward Params args ... doSomethingWeird val..
How to overcome pointless C++ compiler warnings elegantly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8133615/how-to-overcome-pointless-c-compiler-warnings-elegantly condition inside while true doSomething if condition break doSomethingElse I can't just write that in Visual C it will emit a C4127 conditional..