c++ Programming Glossary: downcasting
Best Practice For List of Polymorphic Objects in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1080448/best-practice-for-list-of-polymorphic-objects-in-c provided. Consider why they would be interested in downcasting if you find a reason to do so go back to drawing board and redesign.. trying to provide in your wrapper either a null pointer if downcasting pointers or a std bad_cast exception for reference downcasting.. pointers or a std bad_cast exception for reference downcasting . Your solution adds a level of indirection and with the provided..
Static vs dynamic type checking in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1347691/static-vs-dynamic-type-checking-in-c RTTI is used is the dynamic_cast operator which allows downcasting of polymorphic types assuming that Circle derives from Shape.....
Downcasting shared_ptr<Base> to shared_ptr<Derived>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1358143/downcasting-shared-ptrbase-to-shared-ptrderived by the code that is maintaining the reference count while downcasting the base pointer . My first thought was to provide a cast operator..
Are there cases where downcasting an actual Base to a Derived would be defined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20263888/are-there-cases-where-downcasting-an-actual-base-to-a-derived-would-be-defined there cases where downcasting an actual Base to a Derived would be defined In the general..
more c++ multiple inheritance fun [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2158512/more-c-multiple-inheritance-fun to a C is pointing to offset 0. However C allows implicit downcasting so a pointer to a C can be converted to a pointer to an A or..
How to properly downcast in C# with a SWIG generated interface? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2458025/how-to-properly-downcast-in-c-sharp-with-a-swig-generated-interface I'm left with #3 Any help would be appreciated. c# c swig downcasting share improve this question By default SWIG generates C#..
How Visitor Pattern avoid downcasting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3254788/how-visitor-pattern-avoid-downcasting Visitor Pattern avoid downcasting can anyone show example code before and after to avoid down..
Options for class design using safe downcasting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5381690/options-for-class-design-using-safe-downcasting for class design using safe downcasting Hi I've started working on some pre existing code which consists..
Downcasting using the Static_cast in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6322949/downcasting-using-the-static-cast-in-c derived obj size..why d func_d In the above code i did downcasting of a base pointer which points to base object to derived class.. that it will so don't count on it . Here is the rule for downcasting using static_cast found in section 5.2.9 expr.static.cast of..
Dynamic downcast on private inheritance within private scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6927895/dynamic-downcast-on-private-inheritance-within-private-scope from A publicly both casts would work. c casting private downcasting share improve this question 5.2.7 ISO IEC 14882 12 29 2003..