c++ Programming Glossary: dosomethingwith
Calling Objective-C method from C++ method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1061005/calling-objective-c-method-from-c-method Objective C member function you want to call from C int doSomethingWith void aParameter @end MyObject.mm #import MyObject.h @implementation.. Objective C method using Objective C syntax return id self doSomethingWith aParameter int doSomethingWith void aParameter The Objective.. C syntax return id self doSomethingWith aParameter int doSomethingWith void aParameter The Objective C function you wanted to call..
Does a templated constructor override the implicit copy constructor in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11016262/does-a-templated-constructor-override-the-implicit-copy-constructor-in-c T data ... template class U Foo const Foo U other data T doSomethingWith other.data ... If so does it still override it if other is passed..
Understanding 'using' keyword : C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17325920/understanding-using-keyword-c A int x 1 int z 2 namespace B int y 3 int z 4 void doSomethingWith int i throw cout i void sample throw using namespace A using.. i void sample throw using namespace A using namespace B doSomethingWith x doSomethingWith y doSomethingWith z int main sample return.. using namespace A using namespace B doSomethingWith x doSomethingWith y doSomethingWith z int main sample return 0 Output g Wall TestCPP.cpp..
Function with missing return value, behavior at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2598084/function-with-missing-return-value-behavior-at-runtime VisualStudio 2008 will give a warning warning C4715 'doSomethingWith' not all control paths return a value when compiling the following.. paths return a value when compiling the following code int doSomethingWith int value int returnValue 3 bool condition false if condition.. int main int argc char argv int foo 10 int result doSomethingWith foo return 0 But the program runs just fine. The return value..