c++ Programming Glossary: drawing
Graph nodes coordinates evaluation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15579069/graph-nodes-coordinates-evaluation nodes coordinates evaluation closed Which of these Graph drawing C library libraries can be used to evaluate nodes coordinates.. points. Prefferable languages C C# Java c# c graph graph drawing share improve this question I made a complete WPF MVVM sample..
Reduce flicker with GDI+ and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/197948/reduce-flicker-with-gdi-and-c To completely avoid flicker you would need to complete all drawing in the interval between screen updates. Windows does not provide.. this for normal window painting Vista provides composite drawing via the DWM but this cannot be relied on even on systems running.. tearing by increasing your chances of completing all drawing within a refresh cycle and avoid overdraw drawing part of the..
Easy framework for OpenGL Shaders in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2795044/easy-framework-for-opengl-shaders-in-c-c a number of different fragment shaders in the course of drawing your scene you simply define a static object for each then execute.. object for each then execute prog1 prog2 etc. just prior drawing the objects you want shaded with each shader. E.g. void draw..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c the need for polymorphic code supporting polymorphic code drawing a tighter net around the use of polymorphism so localised use..
Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5988686/creating-a-3d-sphere-in-opengl-using-visual-c what geometry you sent it. glutSolidSphere is just sending drawing commands to OpenGL. However there's nothing special in and about..
GDI Acceleration In Windows 7 / Drawing To Memory Bitmap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10840464/gdi-acceleration-in-windows-7-drawing-to-memory-bitmap Acceleration In Windows 7 Drawing To Memory Bitmap My GDI program runs fine on Windows XP but..
Displaying webcam feed in cv::Mat format in a picturebox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12616529/displaying-webcam-feed-in-cvmat-format-in-a-picturebox Windows Forms Control^ control cv Mat colorImage System Drawing Graphics^ graphics control CreateGraphics System IntPtr ptr.. CreateGraphics System IntPtr ptr colorImage.ptr System Drawing Bitmap^ b gcnew System Drawing Bitmap colorImage.cols colorImage.rows.. ptr colorImage.ptr System Drawing Bitmap^ b gcnew System Drawing Bitmap colorImage.cols colorImage.rows colorImage.step System..
C++ Graphic Drawing Library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1610210/c-graphic-drawing-library Graphic Drawing Library Does anyone know what's the best graphic drawing library..
C++ OpenGL window only tracks background http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18477852/c-opengl-window-only-tracks-background #else # include GL glut.h #endif using namespace std Drawing display routine. void drawScene void Clear screen to background..
Drawing in a Win32 Console on C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1937163/drawing-in-a-win32-console-on-c in a Win32 Console on C What is the best way to draw things..
Mixing Objective-C and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2710507/mixing-objective-c-and-c code here. return self void drawRect NSRect dirtyRect Drawing code here. void setB B theB b theB @end B.h #include iostream..
Factory method implementation - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/410823/factory-method-implementation-c 0 class RedPen public Pen public virtual void Draw cout Drawing with red pen endl class BluePen public Pen public virtual void.. class BluePen public Pen public virtual void Draw cout Drawing with blue pen endl auto_ptr Pen createPen const std string color.. Pen other m_color other.color virtual void Draw cout Drawing with a pen of color m_color.hex void setColor const Color c..
Opengl: 2d HUD over 3D http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5467218/opengl-2d-hud-over-3d out so just in case others have the same issues ...After Drawing 3d Stuff... glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glPushMatrix glLoadIdentity..
How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8218997/how-to-detect-the-sun-from-the-space-sky-in-opencv found circle float circle float cvGetSeqElem circles 0 Drawing green center dot cvCircle image cvPoint cvRound circle 0 cvRound..
How to display a cv::Mat in a Windows Form application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9580397/how-to-display-a-cvmat-in-a-windows-form-application imwrite vdo.jpg frame this panel1 BackgroundImage System Drawing Image FromFile vdo.jpg waitKey 5 delete panel1 BackgroundImage.. I have tried so far this panel1 BackgroundImage System Drawing Bitmap frame or this panel1 BackgroundImage gcnew System Drawing.. Bitmap frame or this panel1 BackgroundImage gcnew System Drawing Bitmap frame.widht frame.height System Drawing Imaging PixelFormat..