c++ Programming Glossary: drawtext
Other's library #define naming conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1080635/others-library-define-naming-conflict SDL_opengl.h header and compile. It throws error C2039 'DrawTextW' is not a member of 'GameLib FontHandler' which is a simple.. is a simple enough error but I don't have anything called DrawTextW only FontHandler DrawText. I search for DrawTextW and find.. I don't have anything called DrawTextW only FontHandler DrawText. I search for DrawTextW and find it in a #define call in the..
Tag editor component for Delphi/C++Builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12597678/tag-editor-component-for-delphi-cbuilder R.Left FSpacing S FTags i if not FShrunk then S S ' ' DrawText Canvas.Handle PChar S 1 R DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER or DT_LEFT..
Using SDL_ttf and OpenGL, TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended print Red rectangle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12700085/using-sdl-ttf-and-opengl-ttf-renderutf8-blended-print-red-rectangle g_pText h 0 textFormat GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE g_pText pixels ... DrawText function this function is called each frame void DrawText SDL_Rect.. DrawText function this function is called each frame void DrawText SDL_Rect sourceRect sourceRect.x 0 sourceRect.y 0 sourceRect.h.. OpenGL end of things. When you render the textured quad in DrawText you enable OpenGL's blending capability but you never specify..
How to tame the Windows headers (useful defines)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1394910/how-to-tame-the-windows-headers-useful-defines colors NOCTLMGR Control and Dialog routines NODRAWTEXT DrawText and DT_ NOGDI All GDI defines and routines NOKERNEL All KERNEL..
How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18745447/how-can-i-change-the-background-color-of-a-button-winapi-c and stuff then I would have to do it before return with DrawText or other function and return CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT else if item..
Conflict with DrawText function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/779185/conflict-with-drawtext-function with DrawText function I am developing a multi platform application and in.. and in one component I have a class method called DrawText. Unfortunately I get a linker error on windows only saying that.. saying that there is an unresolved external symbol for a DrawTextW method of this class. I've seen this before with other methods..