c++ Programming Glossary: customization
String parser with boost variant recursive wrapper http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11421430/string-parser-with-boost-variant-recursive-wrapper no way use as_string brac qi as_string string no way use customization points namespace boost namespace spirit namespace traits template..
Open-source tool to visualize C/C++ header file dependencies? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1190597/open-source-tool-to-visualize-c-c-header-file-dependencies source file outputs a graph of file dependencies with some customization thrown in of course like maxdepth etc. c linux open source..
pass attribute to child rule in boost spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520649/pass-attribute-to-child-rule-in-boost-spirit format karma auto_ m n Old answer Yes you can use Spirit's customization points to treat your user defined type as a container. The documentation..
Boost::Spirit::QI parser: index of parsed element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12769907/boostspiritqi-parser-index-of-parsed-element demos below 1. 2. and 3. An advanced technique is using customization points to allow Spirit to directly treat your Matrix type as..
Customizing Win32's Save File Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1429266/customizing-win32s-save-file-dialog the MSDN documentation specifically the Explorer style customization on the subject but can't seem to get my custom item to appear... my code to make the combobox a part of my save file dialog customization c winapi customization savefiledialog ofnhookproc share improve.. a part of my save file dialog customization c winapi customization savefiledialog ofnhookproc share improve this question When..
Private virtual method in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2170688/private-virtual-method-in-c . The point is that virtual functions exist to allow customization unless they also need to be invoked directly from within derived..
C++ build systems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2847730/c-build-systems them works out of the box and yet provides many hooks of customization at every level It's really efficient and even proposes advanced..
Convert bitmap to PNG in-memory in C++ (win32) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366768/convert-bitmap-to-png-in-memory-in-c-win32 default behaviour e.g see png_set_write_fn in section on customization In practice I always use it via the much cleaner boost gil PNG..
Function References http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480248/function-references share improve this question I've used them before to add customization to classes by passing them to the constructor in a way like..
How to add qi::symbols in grammar<Iterator,double()>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8780604/how-to-add-qisymbols-in-grammariterator-double propagation. That is helpful in case the required customization points do not exist. As written the exposed attribute will always..
How to Skin an Win32 Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9216917/how-to-skin-an-win32-application the options chosen by the user through the provided customization interface your app is going to look broken and stick out like..
Does there exist a “wiki” for editing doxygen comments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930622/does-there-exist-a-wiki-for-editing-doxygen-comments with such a scripted backend that allows for easy customization of embedded source code documentation. This would probably mainly..
Detecting the parameter types in a Spirit semantic action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9404189/detecting-the-parameter-types-in-a-spirit-semantic-action relying in builting conversions fusion adaptors or Spirit customization points matching the argument types for my semantic action so..
std::map Requirements for Keys (Design Decision) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9413777/stdmap-requirements-for-keys-design-decision your API to offer something that looks like a point of customization but really isn't. Besides the concept is that once you've ruled..
Is possible to scroll an UITabBar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9642386/is-possible-to-scroll-an-uitabbar that really possible and does Apple accept these type of customization in UITabBar If it's possible how can i do that please provide..