c++ Programming Glossary: custom
How to overload std::swap() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11562/how-to-overload-stdswap of swap is very generalized and rather inefficient for custom types. Thus efficiency can be gained by overloading std swap.. efficiency can be gained by overloading std swap with a custom type specific implementation. But how can you implement it so..
Sorting a vector of custom objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1380463/sorting-a-vector-of-custom-objects a vector of custom objects How does one go about sorting a vector containing custom.. objects How does one go about sorting a vector containing custom i.e. user defined objects. Probably standard STL algorithm sort.. operate on one of the fields as a key for sorting in the custom object should be used. Am I on the right track c stl sorting..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom Not only that but unqualified calls to swap will use our custom swap operator skipping over the unnecessary construction and..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers for std set is included as well as an example of using custom delimiters. The helper wrap_array can be used to print raw C.. T _container Type erasing helper class for easy use of custom delimiters. Requires TCharTraits std char_traits TChar and TChar.. needs to be defined for TChar. Usage cout pretty_print custom_delims MyDelims x . struct custom_delims_base virtual ~custom_delims_base..
How should I write ISO C++ Standard conformant custom new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7194127/how-should-i-write-iso-c-standard-conformant-custom-new-and-delete-operators should I write ISO C Standard conformant custom new and delete operators How should I write ISO C standard.. operators How should I write ISO C standard conformant custom new and delete operators This is in continuation of Overloading.. Part 1 Understanding the requirements for writing a custom new operator Part 2 Understanding the new_handler requirements..
How to create a DLL with SWIG from Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11693047/how-to-create-a-dll-with-swig-from-visual-studio-2010 Configuration All Configurations . Change Item Type to Custom Build Tool and click Apply. Select Custom Build Tool in Properties.. Item Type to Custom Build Tool and click Apply. Select Custom Build Tool in Properties it will appear after Apply above ...
Adding an include guard breaks the build http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1744144/adding-an-include-guard-breaks-the-build of other errors. I am actually using an example from Qt Custom Widget Plugin Example . The difference is I am using my own..
CoCreateInstance returning E_NOINTERFACE even though interface is found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1781906/cocreateinstance-returning-e-nointerface-even-though-interface-is-found the marshaller which is already part of the COM framework Custom marshaling you implement the methods of IMarshal When you are..
How do I start a new CUDA project in Visual Studio 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046228/how-do-i-start-a-new-cuda-project-in-visual-studio-2008 Add the NvCudaRuntimeApi.rules right click on the project Custom Build Rules tick the relevant box see note 1 Add the CUDA runtime.. in .cu files Add the Cuda.rules right click on the project Custom Build Rules browse for the rules file and ensure it is ticked..
Uses of a C++ Arithmetic Promotion Header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2426330/uses-of-a-c-arithmetic-promotion-header based on the class passed to the templates. For example Custom numeric class template class T struct Complex Complex T real..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers pretty_print delimiters std vector double char values Custom delimiters for one off use struct MyDel static const delimiters_values..
Custom manipulator for C++ iostream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/535444/custom-manipulator-for-c-iostream manipulator for C iostream I'd like to implement a custom manipulator..
Fast string splitting with multiple delimiters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5505965/fast-string-splitting-with-multiple-delimiters string_view text delims cout Time timer.elapsed endl Custom split timer.restart vector string vs test_custom text delims.. vs test_custom text delims vs cout Time timer.elapsed endl Custom split timer.restart vector string_view vsv test_custom text.. test_custom text delims vsv cout Time timer.elapsed endl Custom split timer.restart vector string vsp test_strpbrk text delims..
Non client painting on aero glass window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5634743/non-client-painting-on-aero-glass-window
How to SWIG in VS2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5969173/how-to-swig-in-vs2010 over the mylib.i choose properties. b set ItemType as Custom build tool . In custom build step window c Command line field..
How should I write ISO C++ Standard conformant custom new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7194127/how-should-i-write-iso-c-standard-conformant-custom-new-and-delete-operators Writing a standard conformant delete operator Implementing Custom delete operator Note This is meant to be an entry to Stack Overflow's..
Compelling examples of custom C++ STL allocators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/826569/compelling-examples-of-custom-c-stl-allocators performance scalability etc Any really clever examples Custom allocators have always been a feature of the STL that I haven't..
Custom Iterator in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/839958/custom-iterator-in-c Iterator in C I have a class TContainer that is an aggregate..