c++ Programming Glossary: curve
How to fit the 2D scatter data with a line with C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11449617/how-to-fit-the-2d-scatter-data-with-a-line-with-c of polyfit function in MATLAB. c algorithm matlab curve fitting linear regression share improve this question I..
using OpenCV and SVM with images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14694810/using-opencv-and-svm-with-images classify pixels in an image. These pixel would belong to a curves. I understand forming the training matrix for instance image.. in the training matrix corresponds which corresponds to a curve or non curve. But how can I label a training matrix row image.. matrix corresponds which corresponds to a curve or non curve. But how can I label a training matrix row image if there are..
What are some good profilers for native C++ on Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/153559/what-are-some-good-profilers-for-native-c-on-windows VTune seemed very powerful but it has a steep learning curve. It also is very modular so you have to figure out what parts..
Linking Statically with glibc and libstdc++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3214168/linking-statically-with-glibc-and-libstdc
Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4160162/best-programming-language-and-framework-for-cross-platform-desktop-application-d it doesn't have to be blazingly fast Reasonable learning curve no Assembly Relatively rapid development Framework Cross Platform.. supports native look across the board steeper learning curve. complex dev environmnet C Pros good cross platform support.. and libs very fast Cons harder to develop steeper learning curve. complex dev environment no good GUI tool kit with native look..
As a Java developer, C or C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463618/as-a-java-developer-c-or-c it can even be very elegant and concise. But the learning curve is nasty. So for native programming in the long term I'd recommend..
namespaces for enum types - best practices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/482745/namespaces-for-enum-types-best-practices you're doing any of these practices you are ahead of the curve and probably don't need to scrutinize this further. Addendum..
What is the best library to use when writing GUI applications in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5061877/what-is-the-best-library-to-use-when-writing-gui-applications-in-c stuff in C using windows.h but not only does the learning curve seem a little steep but also the syntax is extremely verbose...
What is a good desktop programming language to learn for a web developer? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527700/what-is-a-good-desktop-programming-language-to-learn-for-a-web-developer for instance but at the price of a steeper learning curve and reduced productivity. Also if you are a web developer C#..
Option Parsers for c/c++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/637371/option-parsers-for-c-c library to be very good. There's something of a learning curve to setting it up but once you master that it simplifies things..
How to draw a point (on mouseclick) on a QGraphicsScene http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7830054/how-to-draw-a-point-on-mouseclick-on-a-qgraphicsscene
Best C++ IDE for *nix [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79210/best-c-ide-for-nix vim and emacs are very powerful tools but the learning curve is very steep.. I really don't like Eclipse that much I find..
Lightweight and portable regex library for C/C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923500/lightweight-and-portable-regex-library-for-c-c also offers template based REs could be a steep learning curve though .. However some people argue that Boost is not light..