c++ Programming Glossary: curl_easy_perform
upload video with Graph API to facebook error (Service temporarily unavailable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12193071/upload-video-with-graph-api-to-facebook-error-service-temporarily-unavailable url.c_str curl_easy_setopt curl CURLOPT_HTTPPOST post res curl_easy_perform curl ... c facebook graph api authentication share improve..
Download file using libcurl in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1636333/download-file-using-libcurl-in-c-c write_data curl_easy_setopt curl CURLOPT_WRITEDATA fp res curl_easy_perform curl always cleanup curl_easy_cleanup curl fclose fp return..
Programmatically reading a web page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/389069/programmatically-reading-a-web-page if curl curl_easy_setopt curl CURLOPT_URL curl.haxx.se res curl_easy_perform curl always cleanup curl_easy_cleanup curl return 0 BTW if C..
Adding static libcurl to Code::Blocks IDE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6243638/adding-static-libcurl-to-codeblocks-ide curl curl_easy_setopt curl CURLOPT_URL http google.com res curl_easy_perform curl always cleanup curl_easy_cleanup curl return 0 Obviously..
Linking cURL in Makefile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6601041/linking-curl-in-makefile curl_easy_setopt curl CURLOPT_URL http example.com res curl_easy_perform curl curl_easy_cleanup curl return 0 And the ERROR # make g.. main.cpp .text 0x3d undefined reference to `curl_easy_perform' main.cpp .text 0x4d undefined reference to `curl_easy_cleanup'..
C++ and cUrl : how to get SSL error codes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8912772/c-and-curl-how-to-get-ssl-error-codes want actual code numeric CURLcode is always returned by curl_easy_perform for easy handles. If you use multi handles use curl_multi_info_read..
Save cURL content result into a string in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9786150/save-curl-content-result-into-a-string-in-c 0L curl_easy_setopt curl CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST 0L res curl_easy_perform curl curl_easy_cleanup curl _getch return 0 string contents.. WriteCallback ...other curl options res curl_easy_perform curl After the call readBuffer should have your contents. Edit.. curl_easy_setopt curl CURLOPT_WRITEDATA readBuffer res curl_easy_perform curl curl_easy_cleanup curl std cout readBuffer std endl return..