c++ Programming Glossary: cursor
What leads to incomplete types? (QGraphicsItem: Source or target has incomplete type) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10108720/what-leads-to-incomplete-types-qgraphicsitem-source-or-target-has-incomplete a custom QGraphicsItem that among other things changed the cursor to an open hand when clicked using the standard procedure as..
Multiple console windows from one Win32 console app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12051496/multiple-console-windows-from-one-win32-console-app this question There is no portable way of moving the cursor around the console window in Unix Linux you can send terminal..
linked list and reading from text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14993882/linked-list-and-reading-from-text-file the technique called &ldquo insertion gap&rdquo or &ldquo cursor gap&rdquo insertion of an item can be constant time also for..
emacs completions or IntelliSense the same as on Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1644490/emacs-completions-or-intellisense-the-same-as-on-visual-studio a tooltip with a list of possible completions near the cursor. global semantic idle summary mode 1 Display a tag summary of.. 1 Display a tag summary of the lexical token under the cursor. to work with my include files and cedet semantic add system..
How to mix Qt, C++ and Obj-C/Cocoa http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2355056/how-to-mix-qt-c-and-obj-c-cocoa stripped for clarity . int foo getMagicNumber NSCursor cursor NSCursor new Apparently I need to add the .m file to a qmake..
“Step over” when debugging multithreaded programs in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336628/step-over-when-debugging-multithreaded-programs-in-visual-studio One caveat The Step Over macro only works correctly if the cursor is on the line you want to step over. This is because it determines.. This is because it determines the current location by the cursor location and simply adds one to the line number. You may be..
Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4340396/does-the-c-standard-mandate-poor-performance-for-iostreams-or-am-i-just-deali calls std copy after lots of checking and updating of cursor positions and buffers have a look in c bits streambuf.tcc for..
How to detect if mouse click is legit or automated? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5091780/how-to-detect-if-mouse-click-is-legit-or-automated you are writing but if you can I would watch the cursor movement not the clicks. Human mouse movement has non uniform..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions TextToHighlight span style 'background color yellow cursor hand ' onclick 'javascript FncAddedByAddon ' title 'Click to..
mouse movement opengl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5734794/mouse-movement-opengl I have drawn a pool cue which I want to follow the mouse cursor but I am not sure how to do this. I know how to use keyboard..
Extract cursor image in Java http://stackoverflow.com/questions/739870/extract-cursor-image-in-java cursor image in Java I was wondering if there is a way to extract.. you mentioned Below is some code to draw built in Windows cursors using the JNA library. If you can use JNA you can avoid C compilers... for one shot icon generation. Code to display a cursor as a Java image public class LoadCursor public static void draw..
c++ getline() isn't waiting for input from console when called multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7786994/c-getline-isnt-waiting-for-input-from-console-when-called-multiple-times the console output looks like this Title Category with the cursor appearing after category. If I input now the program then jumps..
Portable text based console manipulator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7876241/portable-text-based-console-manipulator based consoles or terminals and change their colors set cursor position ... The supported approaches are For Unix like systems.. differences between operating systems just for colors and cursor and do nothing if it was technically impossible but best effort..
Using SendMessage to enter text into an edit control belonging to another process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9984770/using-sendmessage-to-enter-text-into-an-edit-control-belonging-to-another-proces something maybe it must focus on edit control then set cursor then paste text and then disable focus... I realy don't know..
Tag editor component for Delphi/C++Builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12597678/tag-editor-component-for-delphi-cbuilder property Anchors property Align property Tag property Cursor property BgColor TColor read FBgColor write SetBgColor property.. TAG_LOW TAG_HIGH then begin FDragging true Screen.Cursor crDrag SepIndex GetSeparatorIndexAt X Y TForm Parent .Caption.. Exit end case GetTagIndex GetClickInfoAt X Y of NOWHERE Cursor crArrow EDITOR Cursor crIBeam TAG_LOW..TAG_HIGH Cursor crHandPoint..
How to call erase with a reverse iterator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1830158/how-to-call-erase-with-a-reverse-iterator I am trying to do something like this for std list Cursor Enum reverse_iterator i m_CursorStack.rbegin i m_CursorStack.rend.. like this for std list Cursor Enum reverse_iterator i m_CursorStack.rbegin i m_CursorStack.rend i if i pCursor m_CursorStack.erase.. Cursor Enum reverse_iterator i m_CursorStack.rbegin i m_CursorStack.rend i if i pCursor m_CursorStack.erase i break However..
Setting the Cursor Position in a Win32 Console Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2732292/setting-the-cursor-position-in-a-win32-console-application the Cursor Position in a Win32 Console Application How can I set the cursor.. char str Some Text r n DWDORD len strlen str SetConsoleCursorPosition hConsole_c pos WriteConsole hConsole_c str len dwBytesWritten.. position share improve this question See SetConsoleCursorPosition API Edit Use WriteConsoleOutputCharacter which takes..
“Step over” when debugging multithreaded programs in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336628/step-over-when-debugging-multithreaded-programs-in-visual-studio hit. The following two macros provide Step Over and Run To Cursor for the current thread. This is accomplished in the same manner.. Public Module DebugHelperFunctions Sub RunToCursorInMyThread Dim textSelection As EnvDTE.TextSelection Dim myThread..
Get Current Cursor Position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6423729/get-current-cursor-position Current Cursor Position This is an incredibly simple question but I have searched.. this question You get the cursor position by calling GetCursorPos . POINT p if GetCursorPos p cursor position now in p.x and.. cursor position by calling GetCursorPos . POINT p if GetCursorPos p cursor position now in p.x and p.y This returns the cursor..
Extract cursor image in Java http://stackoverflow.com/questions/739870/extract-cursor-image-in-java if there is a way to extract an Image object from a Cursor object in Java. A use for this would be for instance Image img.. A use for this would be for instance Image img extractCursorImage Cursor.getDefaultCursor Which you then can draw on a toolbar.. this would be for instance Image img extractCursorImage Cursor.getDefaultCursor Which you then can draw on a toolbar button..