c++ Programming Glossary: customer's
cin and getline skipping input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10553597/cin-and-getline-skipping-input cout Creating a new customer... endl cout Enter the customer's name getline cin name cout Enter the customer's address getline.. Enter the customer's name getline cin name cout Enter the customer's address getline cin address Customer c name address 0 CustomerDB.. cout Creating a new customer... endl cout Enter the customer's name cin.getline name 256 cout Enter the customer's address..
error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12132453/error-lnk1169-one-or-more-multiply-defined-symbols-found string phone# given a phone# clear the appropriate customer's data 'charge' and 'counter' void printReport string phone# const..
Calling C/C++ library function from PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2479402/calling-c-c-library-function-from-php function from PHP We have a PHP web app running on a customer's machine. For an update we have a bit of code in C that we'd..
Uniquely identify PC based on software/hardware http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3636115/uniquely-identify-pc-based-on-software-hardware
Windows Codepage Interactions with Standard C/C++ filenames? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480849/windows-codepage-interactions-with-standard-c-c-filenames whereas the ones that do not work are done in whatever the customer's default locale is. However that has been the case for years..