c++ Programming Glossary: cr
dynamic_cast in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2253168/dynamic-cast-in-c A ar dynamic_cast A ap Ok. B br dynamic_cast B ap Ok. C cr dynamic_cast C ap std bad_cast the definition says The dynamic_cast..
Initializing struct, using an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286402/initializing-struct-using-an-array an array I have a couple of array's const string a_strs cr 1 ag 2 gnd U prl 12 av 123 sz 345 rc 6 pc 12345 const string.. U prl 12 av 123 sz 345 rc 6 pc 12345 const string b_strs cr 2 sz 345 ag 10 gnd M prl 11 rc 6 cp 34 cv 54 av 654 ct 77 pc.. the form of struct predict_cache_key pck av_id 0 sz_id 0 cr_id 0 cp_id 0 cv_id 0 ct_id 0 fc 0 gnd 0 ag 0 pc 0 prl_id 0 int..
Variable dissapears in binary which is available in static lib http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3881325/variable-dissapears-in-binary-which-is-available-in-static-lib available in static lib I have the problem mentioned. I create an object inside a static lib it is there when I run nm.. NULL int main return 0 BUILD g c test.cpp o test.o ar cr test.a test.o g main.cpp o app L home duminda intest test.a..
Linker driving me mad! Please help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3888409/linker-driving-me-mad-please-help NULL int main return 0 BUILD g c test.cpp o test.o ar cr test.a test.o g c main.cpp o main.o g main.o o app Wl whole..
Building glew on windows with mingw http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6005076/building-glew-on-windows-with-mingw lkernel32 # Create library file lib libglew32.dll.a ar cr lib libglew32.a src glew.o # Create pkg config file optional.. lkernel32 # Create library file lib libglew32mx.dll.a ar cr lib libglew32mx.a src glew.mx.o # Create pkg config file optional..
When can the compiler statically bind a call to a virtual function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7291596/when-can-the-compiler-statically-bind-a-call-to-a-virtual-function the calls to f in Case 2 below Is the reference ness of cr somehow propagating to cr.a even though a is an A and not an.. 2 below Is the reference ness of cr somehow propagating to cr.a even though a is an A and not an A struct A virtual void f.. You can check if you generate the .asm for this file. C cr GetACRef Note that C is not polymorphic cr.a.f visual C 2010..
converting cv::Mat for tesseract http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8115368/converting-cvmat-for-tesseract pix 0 0 text std cout text.string While it doesn't crash or anything the OCR result still is wrong. It should recognize.. although different ones than from the code above. char cr tess.TesseractRect subImage.data subImage.channels subImage.channels..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl y i ImgWidth GLubyte cb pCb x 2 y 2 chromaWidth GLubyte cr pCr x 2 y 2 chromaWidth ImageYUV i memblock i 8 x 1 cr cb convert.. cr pCr x 2 y 2 chromaWidth ImageYUV i memblock i 8 x 1 cr cb convert interleave the data to YV12 This is pretty straightforward.. 2 y 4 int CbCrX x 2 chromaWidth y 2 1 calculate x y of cr and cb pixels in the grayscale image where the Y Cb anc Cr blocks..
Difference in using read/write when stream is opened with/without ios::binary mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12766636/difference-in-using-read-write-when-stream-is-opened-with-without-iosbinary-mo systems LF ' 0x0A' Multics Mac OS X BeOS Amiga RISC OS CRLF ' 0x0a 0x0d' Microsoft Windows DEC TOPS 10 RT 11 CR ' 0x0D'.. OS CRLF ' 0x0a 0x0d' Microsoft Windows DEC TOPS 10 RT 11 CR ' 0x0D' TRS 80 Mac OS Pre X RS ' 0x1E' QNX pre POSIX implementation...
what does std::endl represent exactly on each platform? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1911018/what-does-stdendl-represent-exactly-on-each-platform binary and text What does does std endl represent i.e. CR LF LF or CR or is it always the same no matter what platform.. text What does does std endl represent i.e. CR LF LF or CR or is it always the same no matter what platform compiler The.. that talks a protocol that expects each command to end in CR LF . So I'm wondering whether to use std endl or ' r n' in my..
Where to delete QTcpSocket in thread to avoid valgrind errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19280903/where-to-delete-qtcpsocket-in-thread-to-avoid-valgrind-errors it receives 2. It shows a smiley face upon receiving CR 3. It quits the server upon ^C 4. It disconnects upon receiving..
Vim and Ctags tips and tricks [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563616/vim-and-ctags-tips-and-tricks horizontal split Add these lines in vimrc map C tab split CR exec tag .expand cword CR map A vsp CR exec tag .expand cword.. lines in vimrc map C tab split CR exec tag .expand cword CR map A vsp CR exec tag .expand cword CR C Open the definition.. map C tab split CR exec tag .expand cword CR map A vsp CR exec tag .expand cword CR C Open the definition in a new tab..
Getting std :: ifstream to handle LF, CR, and CRLF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6089231/getting-std-ifstream-to-handle-lf-cr-and-crlf std ifstream to handle LF CR and CRLF Specifically I'm interested in istream getline istream.. std ifstream to handle LF CR and CRLF Specifically I'm interested in istream getline istream is..
std::string operator+() memory leak? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7284344/stdstring-operator-memory-leak this m_iTokenLocation Check if we have just seen a CR LF character if this m_pText this m_iTokenLocation 1 ' n' return..
Getline to String Copies newline as well http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8960055/getline-to-string-copies-newline-as-well It looks like inputFile has Windows style line breaks CRLF but your program is splitting the input on Unix like line.. LF because std getline breaks on n by default leaving the CR r at the end of your string. You'll need to trim the extraneous..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl 1.0 t.y float Cb texture2DRect tex tcEven .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect tex tcOdd .x .5 float y texture2DRect tex t .w.. read optimized away by texture cache float r y 1.28033 Cr float g y .21482 Cb .38059 Cr float b y 2.12798 Cb gl_FragColor.. cache float r y 1.28033 Cr float g y .21482 Cb .38059 Cr float b y 2.12798 Cb gl_FragColor vec4 r g b 1.0 int v glCreateShader..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl function pipeline float CbY ImgHeight floor t.y 4.0 float CrY ImgHeight chromaHeight_Half floor t.y 4.0 float CbCrX floor.. CrY ImgHeight chromaHeight_Half floor t.y 4.0 float CbCrX floor t.x 2.0 chromaWidth floor mod t.y 2.0 float Cb texture2DRect.. floor mod t.y 2.0 float Cb texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CbY .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CrY .x .5 float..