c++ Programming Glossary: cout.precision
Vastly different output C++ monte carlo approximation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13592502/vastly-different-output-c-monte-carlo-approximation std int main int argc char argv cout.setf ios fixed cout.precision 6 RandomNumber random random.setSeed argc srand unsigned time..
Boost spirit floating number parser precision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17391348/boost-spirit-floating-number-parser-precision string #include boost spirit include qi.hpp int main std cout.precision 20 float x 219721.03839999999f std cout x 1.0f std endl gives..
C++ floating point precision [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2909427/c-floating-point-precision Floating point inaccuracy examples double a 0.3 std cout.precision 20 std cout a std endl result 0.2999999999999999889 double a.. double a b a 0.3 b 0 for char i 1 i 50 i b b a std cout.precision 20 std cout b std endl result 15.000000000000014211 So.. 'a'.. iostream #include limits int main double a 0.3 std cout.precision std numeric_limits double digits10 std cout a std endl double..
Floating point inaccuracies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4575643/floating-point-inaccuracies default. You can set precision to get some other output. cout.precision 10 cout start inc i endl Here's what I get now 0.99999 0.999991..
How do I print a double value with full precision using cout? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/554063/how-do-i-print-a-double-value-with-full-precision-using-cout the std fixed format specifier. double d 3.14159265358979 cout.precision 15 cout Pi fixed d endl You can #include limits to get the maximum.. std numeric_limits double dbl double d 3.14159265358979 cout.precision dbl digits10 cout Pi fixed d endl share improve this answer..
Turn off scientific notation on float http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6301547/turn-off-scientific-notation-on-float can also set output precision with the following statement cout.precision 2 or simply with printf .2f myfloat share improve this answer..
What is the meaning of numeric_limits<double>::digits10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/747470/what-is-the-meaning-of-numeric-limitsdoubledigits10 float digits10 endl float f float 99999999 8 digits cout.precision 10 cout The float is f endl prints 6 The float is 100000000..