c++ Programming Glossary: cp
Complete C++ i18n gettext() “hello world” example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003360/complete-c-i18n-gettext-hello-world-example to load it from your example works mkdir p es LC_MESSAGES cp hellogt.mo es LC_MESSAGES . hellogt hola mundo share improve..
Copy a file in an sane, safe and efficient way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10195343/copy-a-file-in-an-sane-safe-and-efficient-way is not a real world use case. Performing the copy with cp takes 0.44 seconds unbuffered und 0.30 seconds buffered. So.. 0.44 seconds unbuffered und 0.30 seconds buffered. So cp is a little bit slower than the POSIX sample. Looks fine for..
Since I can't return a local variable, what's the best way to return a string from a C or C++ function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/423186/since-i-cant-return-a-local-variable-whats-the-best-way-to-return-a-string-fr greet char c char malloc strlen Hello 1 1 for the null strcpy c Hello return c but now you have to make sure that memory.. lost you can't free it any longer. On the other hand char cp stuff happens cp greet printf s n cp free cp doesn't leak because.. it any longer. On the other hand char cp stuff happens cp greet printf s n cp free cp doesn't leak because the pointer..
How to use dylib in Mac OS X (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4677044/how-to-use-dylib-in-mac-os-x-c as where I copied the executable. mkdir ~ tmp bin cp opt local bin convert ~ tmp bin Get a list of the executables.. the executable has been copied to. for dylib in DYLIBS do cp dylib ~ tmp bin done Use the install_name_tool to change the..
Convexity defects C++ OpenCv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6806637/convexity-defects-c-opencv valores n for int i 0 i int contour.size i CvPoint cp contour i .x contour i .y cvSeqPush contourPoints cp Now the.. cp contour i .x contour i .y cvSeqPush contourPoints cp Now the hull points obtained from convexHull c hullStr cvCreateMemStorage.. CvPoint hullStr for int i 0 i int hull.size i CvPoint cp hull i .x hull i .y cvSeqPush hullPoints cp And we compute convexity..
How do you force a makefile to rebuild a target http://stackoverflow.com/questions/816370/how-do-you-force-a-makefile-to-rebuild-a-target 1 release build debug build DEBUG 1 clean clean install cp ~ xxx source xxx_utility release xxx_util usr local bin cp ~.. cp ~ xxx source xxx_utility release xxx_util usr local bin cp ~ xxx source xxx_utility release xxxcore.so usr local lib Note.. call build debug call build DEBUG 1 clean clean install cp . source xxx_utillity release xxx_util usr bin cp . dlls Release..