c++ Programming Glossary: covered
Boost Library [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/149268/boost-library is nice to know that boost already has a lot of the ground covered. A lot of the libraries in tr1 are basically adapted directly..
Is there a use case for std::function that is not covered by function pointers, or is it just syntactic sugar? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15322058/is-there-a-use-case-for-stdfunction-that-is-not-covered-by-function-pointers there a use case for std function that is not covered by function pointers or is it just syntactic sugar duplicate..
pointer comparisons ??gt;??with one before the first element of an array object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16234626/pointer-comparisons-with-one-before-the-first-element-of-an-array-object after the iteration when it is equal to array . This is covered by section 6.5.6 of the standard part 8 emphasis is mine When..
Creating a new object from dynamic type info http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2032881/creating-a-new-object-from-dynamic-type-info type and its meaning is the only difference. I've also covered factories a couple times already. You could adapt my SimpleFactory..
What is a null-terminated string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037209/what-is-a-null-terminated-string strings using bare pointers. All of this should really be covered in any decent C text book I recommend getting hold of Accelerated..
return value (not a reference) from the function, bound to a const reference in the calling function; how is its lifetime extended to the scope of the calling function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2615162/return-value-not-a-reference-from-the-function-bound-to-a-const-reference-in function but there are a couple exceptions. This is covered by the standard in 12.2 5 Temporary objects The temporary to..
boost spirit semantic action parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066701/boost-spirit-semantic-action-parameters actions can take up to three parameters Matched attribute covered in the article Context contains the qi phoenix interface Match..
C++: Is it safe to cast pointer to int and later back to pointer again? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3567905/c-is-it-safe-to-cast-pointer-to-int-and-later-back-to-pointer-again stuff std cout Is this always 42 ffuts std endl Is this covered by the Standard c pointers share improve this question ..
C++: const reference, before vs after type-specifier http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3694630/c-const-reference-before-vs-after-type-specifier ... and int foo2 Fred const arg ... I don't see this case covered in the parashift FAQ. c reference const share improve this..
How to teach a crash course on C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48496/how-to-teach-a-crash-course-on-c of this course were just 1 or 2 half day sessions and covered topics including new language features e.g. header vs. implementation.. should be added or removed Which topics just can't be covered adequately in a short time c share improve this question..
Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088460/flags-to-enable-thorough-and-verbose-g-warnings like assert false to make sure that you've actually covered all possible options. It lets you be explicit in what the domain..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c As promised for completeness several peripheral topics are covered compiler provided overloads conversions casts coercion The document..
Adding static libcurl to Code::Blocks IDE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6243638/adding-static-libcurl-to-codeblocks-ide aren't needed. 'libcurl.a' is already listed and covered by Link libraries . The 'libcrypto.a' seems to cover the same..
Has anyone ever had a use for the __COUNTER__ pre-processor macro? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/652815/has-anyone-ever-had-a-use-for-the-counter-pre-processor-macro
What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/771756/what-is-the-difference-between-cygwin-and-mingw To do this it uses various DLLs. While these DLLs are covered by GPLv3 their license contains an exception that does not force.. an exception that does not force a derived work to be covered by the GPLv3 . MinGW is a C C compiler suite which allows you..
Does std::vector *have* to move objects when growing capacity? Or, can allocators “reallocate”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8003233/does-stdvector-have-to-move-objects-when-growing-capacity-or-can-allocator it has to allocate a new block. You have correctly covered the reasons. IMO it would make sense to augment the allocator..
Well, how does the custom deleter of std::unique_ptr work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8274451/well-how-does-the-custom-deleter-of-stdunique-ptr-work the other partial reason for writing the above edit is now covered by the amendment of Howard's answer. c delete c 11 unique ptr..
Unique hardware ID in Mac OS X http://stackoverflow.com/questions/933460/unique-hardware-id-in-mac-os-x drive serial CPU serial something like that. I've got it covered on Windows but I haven't a clue on Mac. Any idea of what I need..