c++ Programming Glossary: cout.imbue
C++ date and time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12346260/c-date-and-time well with locales e.g. for a Japanese time date format std cout.imbue std locale ja_JP.utf8 std cout ja_JP std put_time tm c Z ' n'..
How to easily indent output to ofstream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1391746/how-to-easily-indent-output-to-ofstream new IndentFacet Imbue std cout before it is used std cout.imbue indentLocale std cout Line 1 nLine 2 nLine 3 n You must imbue..
How to print a double with a comma http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1422151/how-to-print-a-double-with-a-comma return m_Separator private CharT m_Separator Used as std cout.imbue std locale std cout.getloc new DecimalSeparator char ' ' share..
C++ Boost date with format dd/mm/yyyy? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1904317/c-boost-date-with-format-dd-mm-yyyy argc char argv time_facet facet new time_facet d b Y H M S cout.imbue locale cout.getloc facet cout second_clock local_time endl Output..
How to print a number with a space as thousand separator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2648364/how-to-print-a-number-with-a-space-as-thousand-separator digits each string do_grouping const return 3 int main std cout.imbue std locale std locale new myseps std cout 10000 10 000 Alternatively..
How do you set the cout locale to insert commas as thousands separators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4728155/how-do-you-set-the-cout-locale-to-insert-commas-as-thousands-separators output 1 000 This can be done using std locale and the cout.imbue function but I fear I may be missing a step here. Can you spot.. const return m_Separator private T m_Separator main cout.imbue locale cout.getloc new ThousandsSeparator char ' ' cout 1000..
Custom stream manipulator for streaming integers in any base http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6478745/custom-stream-manipulator-for-streaming-integers-in-any-base myLocale imbue std cout so it uses are custom local. std cout.imbue myLocale std cerr.imbue myLocale Output some stuff. std cout..
Output numbers with digit grouping (1000000 as 1,000,000 and so on) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6800192/output-numbers-with-digit-grouping-1000000-as-1-000-000-and-so-on withgroupings global new my_facet std locale was std cout.imbue withgroupings std cout 1000000 std endl std cout.imbue was return.. std cout.imbue withgroupings std cout 1000000 std endl std cout.imbue was return 0 Haven't tried it myself but it certainly sounds..
Stumped with Unicode, Boost, C++, codecvts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7859638/stumped-with-unicode-boost-c-codecvts toLoc std locale convLoc std locale fromLoc toCvt std cout.imbue convLoc std cout data std endl Output is unconverted what return..
Inserting and removing commas from integers in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/791258/inserting-and-removing-commas-from-integers-in-c 3 int main std locale nl std locale new my_numpunct std cout.imbue nl std cout 1000000 n does not use thousands' separators std.. std cout 1000000 n does not use thousands' separators std cout.imbue std locale std cout 1000000 n uses thousands' separators share..
C++ custom stream manipulator that changes next item on stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799599/c-custom-stream-manipulator-that-changes-next-item-on-stream Now you can test the stuff. int main outputs 11121011 cout.imbue locale locale new my_num_put cout add_one 10 11 add_none 10..