c++ Programming Glossary: cout.rdbuf
How to redirect cin and cout to files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150468/how-to-redirect-cin-and-cout-to-files in.txt std ofstream out out.txt std streambuf coutbuf std cout.rdbuf save old buf std cout.rdbuf out.rdbuf redirect std cout to out.txt.. std streambuf coutbuf std cout.rdbuf save old buf std cout.rdbuf out.rdbuf redirect std cout to out.txt std string word std cin.. std cin.rdbuf cinbuf reset to standard input again std cout.rdbuf coutbuf reset to standard output again std cin word input from..
Redirect both cout and stdout to a string in C++ for Unit Testing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1162068/redirect-both-cout-and-stdout-to-a-string-in-c-for-unit-testing I have so far void TestSuite setUp void oldStdoutBuf std cout.rdbuf std cout.rdbuf consoleOutput.rdbuf void TestSuite tearDown void.. void TestSuite setUp void oldStdoutBuf std cout.rdbuf std cout.rdbuf consoleOutput.rdbuf void TestSuite tearDown void std cout.rdbuf.. consoleOutput.rdbuf void TestSuite tearDown void std cout.rdbuf oldStdoutBuf The problem is that this does not capture output..
Redirecting cout to a console in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311955/redirecting-cout-to-a-console-in-windows to use my custom streambuf outbuf ob std streambuf sb std cout.rdbuf ob do some work here make sure to restore the original so we.. restore the original so we don't get a crash on close std cout.rdbuf sb return 0 Anyone have a better cleaner solution than just.. to use my custom streambuf outbuf ob std streambuf sb std cout.rdbuf ob do some work here make sure to restore the original so we..
Obtain a std::ostream either from std::cout or std::ofstream(file) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366955/obtain-a-stdostream-either-from-stdcout-or-stdofstreamfile of if condition of.open file.txt buf of.rdbuf else buf std cout.rdbuf std ostream out buf That associates the underlying streambuf.. aswell do std ofstream file file.txt std streambuf old std cout.rdbuf file.rdbuf do here output to std cout std cout.rdbuf old restore.. std cout.rdbuf file.rdbuf do here output to std cout std cout.rdbuf old restore This second method has the drawback that it's not..
C++: Redirecting STDOUT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4810516/c-redirecting-stdout ostringstream. Redirect cout. streambuf oldCoutStreamBuf cout.rdbuf ostringstream strCout cout.rdbuf strCout.rdbuf This goes to.. oldCoutStreamBuf cout.rdbuf ostringstream strCout cout.rdbuf strCout.rdbuf This goes to the string stream. cout Hello World.. the string stream. cout Hello World endl Restore old cout. cout.rdbuf oldCoutStreamBuf Will output our Hello World from above. cout..
How to make cout behave as in binary mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5654067/how-to-make-cout-behave-as-in-binary-mode available to the user through C is the streambuf at std cout.rdbuf . You can pretty well assume that object is of type basic_filebuf.. your program before cout receives any output do this std cout.rdbuf pubsetbuf 0 0 go to unbuffered mode When you want to output.. unistd.h std ostream endln std ostream s if s rdbuf std cout.rdbuf this is cout or cerr into cout _write STDOUT_FILENO 1 n do not..
Capturing cout in Visual Studio 2005 output window? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/73286/capturing-cout-in-visual-studio-2005-output-window std streambuf TeeDevice TeeDevice device DebugSink cout.rdbuf io stream_buffer TeeDevice buf device cout.rdbuf buf cout hello.. DebugSink cout.rdbuf io stream_buffer TeeDevice buf device cout.rdbuf buf cout hello world n cout.flush you may need to flush in some..