c++ Programming Glossary: createcompatiblebitmap
Draw mouse pointer icon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10823022/draw-mouse-pointer-icon 3 There is a huge chance that you will need to apply CreateCompatibleBitmap http msdn.microsoft.com en us library aa922174 to the Image..
GDI Acceleration In Windows 7 / Drawing To Memory Bitmap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10840464/gdi-acceleration-in-windows-7-drawing-to-memory-bitmap m_dcDeviceContext.CreateCompatibleDC NULL m_bmpDrawSurface.CreateCompatibleBitmap m_dcDeviceContext 100 100 void CMemBmpTest Draw m_dcDeviceContext.SelectObject.. new CBitmap Create the new bitmap m_pbmpMemBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap pDesktopDC szPanel.cx szPanel.cy m_pbmpMemBitmap SetBitmapDimension..
Save bitmap to video (libavcodec ffmpeg) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1359620/save-bitmap-to-video-libavcodec-ffmpeg libavcodec. I get my HBitmap using HBITMAP hCaptureBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap hDesktopDC nScreenWidth nScreenHeight SelectObject hCaptureDC..
How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18745447/how-can-i-change-the-background-color-of-a-button-winapi-c HDC hdcmem CreateCompatibleDC item hdc HBITMAP hbitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap item hdc item rc.right item rc.left item rc.bottom item rc.top..
Reduce flicker with GDI+ and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/197948/reduce-flicker-with-gdi-and-c will have to be converted. Consider using the GDI method CreateCompatibleBitmap to get a matching bitmap. Finally... I assume your example code..
how do I do print preview in win32 c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2240243/how-do-i-do-print-preview-in-win32-c currently I use CreateCompatibleDC with a printer HDC and CreateCompatibleBitmap with the printer's HDC. I figure this way the DC will have the.. Should I CreateCompatibleDC from the window's DC and CreateCompatibleBitmap from the printer's DC or something If somebody could explain..
GDI+ double buffering in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2473799/gdi-double-buffering-in-c monochrome bitmap as its drawing surface. You need to also CreateCompatibleBitmap and select that bitmap into the hdcBuffer if you want a drawing..
How to read the screen pixels? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2659932/how-to-read-the-screen-pixels CreateCompatibleDC hDesktopDC HBITMAP hCaptureBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap hDesktopDC nScreenWidth nScreenHeight SelectObject hCaptureDC..
how to make screen screenshot with win32 in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3291167/how-to-make-screen-screenshot-with-win32-in-c worth checking these are positive values HBITMAP hBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap hScreenDc x y get a new bitmap HBITMAP hOldBitmap SelectObject..
Bitmap transfer using Winsock, GetDIBits and SetDiBits [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3539874/bitmap-transfer-using-winsock-getdibits-and-setdibits r.right r.left int scrHeight r.bottom r.top hBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap ActiveDC scrWidth scrHeight SelectObject CopyDC hBitmap BitBlt.. ThisDC DeleteObject hRemoteBitmap hRemoteBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap ThisDC scrWidth scrHeight SelectObject RemoteDC hRemoteBitmap..
c++ using too much cpu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561613/c-using-too-much-cpu hWnd HDC memDC CreateCompatibleDC hdc HBITMAP hMemMap CreateCompatibleBitmap hdc 225 350 HBITMAP hOldMap HBITMAP SelectObject memDC hMemMap..
Creating HBITMAP from memory buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4598872/creating-hbitmap-from-memory-buffer is fine. UPDATE Based on jdv's answer I began playing with CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateDIBitmap and finally CreateDIBSection. All of these ended.. bitmap gdi hbitmap share improve this question I'd use CreateCompatibleBitmap and then call SetDIBits to fill it with your data. These are..
efficiently acquiring a screenshot of the windows desktop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5292700/efficiently-acquiring-a-screenshot-of-the-windows-desktop dcMem CreateCompatibleDC dcDesktop hbmpMem CreateCompatibleBitmap dcMem m_lWidth m_lHeight BitBlt dcMem 0 0 m_lWidth m_lHeight..
How to save the client area of a child Window to a Bitmap file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5950259/how-to-save-the-client-area-of-a-child-window-to-a-bitmap-file hDC RECT rect 0 GetWindowRect hwnd rect HBITMAP hBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap hDC rect.right rect.left rect.bottom rect.top SelectObject hTargetDC..
How to get screenshot of a window as bitmap object in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7292757/how-to-get-screenshot-of-a-window-as-bitmap-object-in-c NULL HDC hdc CreateCompatibleDC hdcScreen HBITMAP hbmp CreateCompatibleBitmap hdcScreen rc.right rc.left rc.bottom rc.top SelectObject hdc..
Extract cursor image in Java http://stackoverflow.com/questions/739870/extract-cursor-image-in-java gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC Pointer.NULL Pointer bitmap gdi32.CreateCompatibleBitmap hdc width height gdi32.SelectObject hdc bitmap user32.DrawIconEx.. en us library dd183488 VS.85 .aspx public Pointer CreateCompatibleBitmap Pointer hdc int nWidth int nHeight http msdn.microsoft.com en..