c++ Programming Glossary: cpython
What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13021985/what-is-the-equivalent-of-cpython-string-concatenation-in-c is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation in C duplicate Possible Duplicate Simple.. python or C &rdquo to &hellip What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation in C thereby narrowing the question a little... i.e. for std string and std wstring e.g. quoting the CPython 3k documentation object.__add__ self other &hellip to evaluate..
CPython is bytecode interpreter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1644619/cpython-is-bytecode-interpreter is bytecode interpreter I don't really get the concept of bytecode.. get the concept of bytecode interpreter in the context of CPython. Can someone shed some light over the whole picture Does it.. shed some light over the whole picture Does it mean that CPython will compile and execute pyc file bytecode file . Then what..
Would you use num%2 or num&1 to check if a number is even? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1949271/would-you-use-num2-or-num1-to-check-if-a-number-is-even sometimes for performance. I think for example that CPython doesn't do this optimisation and the same will be true of fully..
Why are Python Programs often slower than the Equivalent Program Written in C or C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3033329/why-are-python-programs-often-slower-than-the-equivalent-program-written-in-c-or bytecode to native code at runtime. The reason why CPython doesn't have a JIT compiler already is because the dynamic nature..
Why artificially limit your code to C? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/649789/why-artificially-limit-your-code-to-c the Java java.util.Queue class using JNI' or 'call the CPython library' Objective C actually is a proper superset of C including.. is a proper superset of C including C99 and Java and CPython libraries both are callable directly from C without having to..
Why do std::string operations perform poorly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8310039/why-do-stdstring-operations-perform-poorly see the summary javascript on Nodejs V8 3.1s Python on CPython 2.7.2 8.8s C with libstdc 5.9s Java on OpenJDK 7 50.4s Surprisingly.. only 50 performance of javascript in V8 and even poor than CPython. Could anyone explain to me if I had missed some optimization..