c++ Programming Glossary: createdibsection
Creating 8bpp bitmap with GDI and saving it as a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14859138/creating-8bpp-bitmap-with-gdi-and-saving-it-as-a-file 31 ~31 3 desiredHeight HBITMAP bitmap CreateDIBSection hDC bmi DIB_RGB_COLORS void bitmap_data NULL NULL ReleaseDC.. bmi 0 sizeof BITMAPINFO256 added this loop right before CreateDIBSection is called for UINT i 0 i 256 i bmi.bmiColors i .rgbRed i bmi.bmiColors..
Win32 C/C++ Load Image from memory buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2886831/win32-c-c-load-image-from-memory-buffer c windows winapi bitmap share improve this question CreateDIBSection can be a little complicated to use but one of the things it.. but at least you could copy the data. Speculating a bit CreateDIBSection can also create bitmaps from file objects and there's probably.. object representing a chunk of memory which might trick CreateDIBSection into giving you a bitmap built from your buffer directly. share..
Creating HBITMAP from memory buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4598872/creating-hbitmap-from-memory-buffer with CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateDIBitmap and finally CreateDIBSection. All of these ended up creating lovely black bitmaps instead.. 1 HDC dc CreateCompatibleDC NULL HBITMAP hbitmap CreateDIBSection dc bmi DIB_RGB_COLORS void blobData.GetMember FILEDATAFIELD_DATA..
Large JPEG/PNG Image Sequence Looping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4842854/large-jpeg-png-image-sequence-looping suggest that I use CreateFileMapping MapViewOfFile and CreateDIBSection to commit the number of bytes of a file mapping to map to the..