c++ Programming Glossary: carriage
Set all bytes of int to (unsigned char)0, guaranteed to represent zero? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11138188/set-all-bytes-of-int-to-unsigned-char0-guaranteed-to-represent-zero plus control characters representing alert backspace and carriage return plus a null character respectively null wide character..
Best way to find a whitespace-delimited word in a CString http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1177276/best-way-to-find-a-whitespace-delimited-word-in-a-cstring the example where is delimited by spaces but it could be carriage returns tabs etc. Note I know regex would make it easy to do..
C++ Console Progress Indicator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1424948/c-console-progress-indicator print out a string followed by a ' r' character. That is carriage return by itself and on most consoles it returns the cursor..
How to read cin with whitespace up until a newline character? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1583652/how-to-read-cin-with-whitespace-up-until-a-newline-character this but the skipws was not quite right in that it throws carriage returns in with spaces and tabs plus it sounds like that is..
Difference between files writen in binary and text mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/229924/difference-between-files-writen-in-binary-and-text-mode specifying the t option will have the following effect carriage returns ' n' will be translated to ' r n sequences on output.. ' n' will be translated to ' r n sequences on output carriage return line feed sequences will be translated to carriage returns.. carriage return line feed sequences will be translated to carriage returns on input. If the file is opened in append mode the end..
Program is skipping over Getline() without taking user input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3731529/program-is-skipping-over-getline-without-taking-user-input share improve this question Cin is probably leaving the carriage return in the buffer which getline retrieves. Try cin.ignore..
Reading binary istream byte by byte http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5513532/reading-binary-istream-byte-by-byte have the two byte sequence 0x0D 0x0A which corresponds to carriage return and line feed those bytes are skipped. I've opened the..
Searching a log file [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6413361/searching-a-log-file lines. I got rid of problem 1 by getting rid of all the carriage returns but I'm still faced with even if the values are on the..