c++ Programming Glossary: car
When should functions be member functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1638394/when-should-functions-be-member-functions much sense Edit Let me give a better code example. class Car Wheel frontLeft Wheel frontRight Wheel rearLeft Wheel rearRight.. Wheel rearRight Wheel spareInTrunk public void wheelsOnCar list Wheel wheels wheels.push_back frontLeft wheels.push_back.. Then I'll see a function like this void wheelsRelatedToCar Car aCar list Wheel wheels aCar wheelsOnCar wheels wheels.push_back..
Why do we actually need Private or Protected inheritance in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/374399/why-do-we-actually-need-private-or-protected-inheritance-in-c int numCylinders void start Starts this Engine class Car public Car e_ 8 Initializes this Car with 8 cylinders void.. void start Starts this Engine class Car public Car e_ 8 Initializes this Car with 8 cylinders void start e_.start.. this Engine class Car public Car e_ 8 Initializes this Car with 8 cylinders void start e_.start Start this Car by starting..
Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/406081/why-should-i-avoid-multiple-inheritance-in-c inheritance. Does your object really needs from another A Car do not need to inherit from an Engine to work nor from a Wheel... need to inherit from an Engine to work nor from a Wheel. A Car has an Engine and four Wheel. If you use multiple inheritance..
C++: Pointer to class data member http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670734/c-pointer-to-class-data-member across this strange code snippet which compiles fine class Car public int speed int main int Car pSpeed Car speed return 0.. compiles fine class Car public int speed int main int Car pSpeed Car speed return 0 Why does C have this pointer to a.. fine class Car public int speed int main int Car pSpeed Car speed return 0 Why does C have this pointer to a non static..
Inheriting std::istream or equivalent http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1231461/inheriting-stdistream-or-equivalent en sortie et a un tampon interne de taille 1 en entree car l'interface de streambuf ne permet pas de faire moins ne permet..
I want to learn game development. Which language should I use? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544903/i-want-to-learn-game-development-which-language-should-i-use 2 or 3 I am looking at basic game development like a car racing game for example and NOT flash iphone browser games...
Are multiple conditional operators in this situation a good idea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1917718/are-multiple-conditional-operators-in-this-situation-a-good-idea arg 'B' bus arg 'A' airplane arg 'T' train arg 'C' car arg 'H' horse feet I've changed the code a little but the..
Are memory leaks ever ok? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273209/are-memory-leaks-ever-ok the library in question. It would be as if I test drove a car and found a couple loose washers and nuts in one of the cupholders..
wxWidgets vs Qt [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2886258/wxwidgets-vs-qt Nokia for more support on mobile phones it even works in car embedded systems. I don't think wxWidgets can even do that but..
Why do we actually need Private or Protected inheritance in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/374399/why-do-we-actually-need-private-or-protected-inheritance-in-c To obtain the same semantic you could also write the car Class as follow class Car private Engine Car has a Engine public..
In C/C++, is char* arrayName[][] a pointer to a pointer to a pointer OR a pointer to a pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3920729/in-c-c-is-char-arrayname-a-pointer-to-a-pointer-to-a-pointer-or-a-pointe of words and meanings char dic 40 atlas A volume of maps. car A motorized vehicle. telephone A communication device. airplane.. words and meanings char dic 40 atlas A volume of maps. car A motorized vehicle. telephone A communication device. airplane.. should look like this char dic 2 atlas A volume of maps car A motorized vehicle telephone A communication device airplane..
Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4160162/best-programming-language-and-framework-for-cross-platform-desktop-application-d tk is definitely out this point is paramount user doesn't care what's on the inside they care about how it looks and how it.. is paramount user doesn't care what's on the inside they care about how it looks and how it works. But looks is what sells.. tk is definitely out this point is paramount user doesn't care what's on the inside they car about how it looks and how it..
c++ Object array initialization without default constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4754763/c-object-array-initialization-without-default-constructor printNo std cout _no std endl void printCarNumbers Car cars int length for int i 0 i length i std cout cars i .printNo.. Car cars int length for int i 0 i length i std cout cars i .printNo int main int userInput 10 Car mycars new Car userInput.. i std cout cars i .printNo int main int userInput 10 Car mycars new Car userInput for int i 0 i userInput i mycars i new Car..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c programming allows completely arbitrary computations to be carried out at compile time I.e. the template system is Turing complete.. if it's slow e.g. building a large system it's typically carried out on a server and nobody spends time waiting for it. Second.. benchmarks are a bit like teenagers deciding to race their cars and whoever wins gets to keep both cars. The web sites differ..
Conversion from Derived** to Base** http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8026040/conversion-from-derived-to-base link. EDIT Let us analyze this code line by line Car car Car carPtr car Car carPtrPtr carPtr MyComment Until now there.. EDIT Let us analyze this code line by line Car car Car carPtr car Car carPtrPtr carPtr MyComment Until now there is no.. Let us analyze this code line by line Car car Car carPtr car Car carPtrPtr carPtr MyComment Until now there is no problem..
Same random numbers every loop iteration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9251117/same-random-numbers-every-loop-iteration whenever a random number is needed it'll use for example carSetter rand 3 1 . Alternatively it may use decider rand 2 1 ... it may use decider rand 2 1 . Now normally decider and carSetter are used in a different ways but I suspected a problem.. ways but I suspected a problem and made it print out carSetter and decider at every iteration. Here's what came out Door..