c++ Programming Glossary: carbon
Building a Mac and Windows GUI Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11026541/building-a-mac-and-windows-gui-application the Qt build target to use Cocoa instead of the deprecated Carbon API. This Qt bug where some plist file would be written a location..
Writing GUI applicatins on Mac OS X with c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11055249/writing-gui-applicatins-on-mac-os-x-with-c only and you enjoy pain ^ you can always use MacOS X's old Carbon APIs . They are C APIs but as such are easily callable from..
Experiences with Adobe's “Adam and Eve” C++ GUI library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1657225/experiences-with-adobes-adam-and-eve-c-gui-library in ASL backends to Adam and Eve for Windows and Mac Carbon started as some small example code then the community started.. make it a real supported library. But then Apple dropped Carbon for 64 bits and Adobe's framework plans changed so we weren't..
What is memory fragmentation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770457/what-is-memory-fragmentation
Qt applications on new Mac App Store http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4337855/qt-applications-on-new-mac-app-store my app to also target 32bit and so I have to use the 32bit Carbon build of Qt. Regarding writing files to the local hard disk..
Relative Paths Not Working in Xcode C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/516200/relative-paths-not-working-in-xcode-c C in Xcode 3.1. I am not using Objective C nor any Cocoa Carbon frameworks just pure C . Here is the code that works in my other..
Use C++ with Cocoa Instead of Objective-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525609/use-c-with-cocoa-instead-of-objective-c use C and the Cocoa frameworks because Apple is not making Carbon 64 bit capable. C seems to be pretty vanilla in its implementation.. approximate replacements in the Qt API. As you point out Carbon will not be ported to 64 bit. Since Qt is implemented on Carbon.. will not be ported to 64 bit. Since Qt is implemented on Carbon APIs Trolltech Nokia have had to port Qt to the Cocoa API to..
GCC debugger stack trace displays wrong file name and line number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/594782/gcc-debugger-stack-trace-displays-wrong-file-name-and-line-number 1.0 libcpuinfo.a L usr local lib framework IOKit framework Carbon framework Cocoa framework System framework QuickTime framework..
Complete solution for writing Mac OS X application in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/634404/complete-solution-for-writing-mac-os-x-application-in-c an intermediate layer of libraries such as QT you can use Carbon . I would use XCode instead of Eclipse simply because Eclipse.. to stick to the language I knew C and use an older library Carbon . For some reason I don't remember now I forced myself into.. different to C Cocoa is better faster and simpler than Carbon iPhone Dev is exclusively Cocoa Carbon is not supported share..
Unable to run an application compiled on OS-X Snow Leopard (10.6.7) on another Mac using OS-X Leopard (10.5.8). libstdc++.6.dylib error returned http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6365772/unable-to-run-an-application-compiled-on-os-x-snow-leopard-10-6-7-on-another-m 0.0.0 current version 1.7.3 System Library Frameworks Carbon.framework Versions A Carbon compatibility version 2.0.0 current.. System Library Frameworks Carbon.framework Versions A Carbon compatibility version 2.0.0 current version 136.0.0 System Library..