c++ Programming Glossary: canny
Algorithm improvement for Coca-Cola can shape recognition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10168686/algorithm-improvement-for-coca-cola-can-shape-recognition and replace the pixel by this value to reduce noise. Using Canny Edge Detection Filter to get the contours of all items after..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533233/opencv-c-obj-c-advanced-square-detection int threshold_level 2 for int l 0 l threshold_level l Use Canny instead of zero threshold level Canny helps to catch squares.. l Use Canny instead of zero threshold level Canny helps to catch squares with gradient shading if l 0 Canny.. helps to catch squares with gradient shading if l 0 Canny gray0 gray 10 20 3 Dilate helps to remove potential holes between..
Better algorithm for edge filter in video programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12971093/better-algorithm-for-edge-filter-in-video-programming question or rather a problem. As you can see I am using Canny algorithm for searching the edges in the video. But the object.. CV_BGR2GRAY cvSmooth src_gray src_gray CV_GAUSSIAN 5 11 cvCanny src_gray src_gray 70 200 3 cvFindContours src_gray storage contours.. you throw at it. Also smoothing the image before using cvCanny is unnecessary as the Canny operator already performs smoothing..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning Also I thought on using contours to find circles on a Canny'ed image just have to find a way to transform a contour into.. rgbcanny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny 50 100 3 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles gray storage..
Cant get output result using cvCornerHarris() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6500707/cant-get-output-result-using-cvcornerharris IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor srcImg srcImgGry CV_RGB2GRAY Canny and Harris expect grayscale 8 bit input. And output of harris.. corner cvCornerHarris srcImgGry harrisImg 5 5 0.04 cvCanny srcImgGry cannyImg 50 100 3 5 Display the result cvNamedWindow.. cvShowImage Harris harrisImg cvNamedWindow Canny CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage Canny cannyImg cvWaitKey 0 cvDestroyWindow..
Square detection doesn't find squares http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7731742/square-detection-doesnt-find-squares std void help cout nA program using pyramid scaling Canny contours contour simpification and n memory storage it's got.. 1 try several threshold levels for int l 0 l N l hack use Canny instead of zero threshold level. Canny helps to catch squares.. 0 l N l hack use Canny instead of zero threshold level. Canny helps to catch squares with gradient shading if l 0 apply..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8667818/opencv-c-obj-c-detecting-a-sheet-of-paper-square-detection timg 1 gray0 1 ch 1 for int l 0 l N l if l 0 cv Canny gray0 gray 0 thresh 5 cv dilate gray gray cv Mat cv Point 1.. int threshold_level 2 for int l 0 l threshold_level l Use Canny instead of zero threshold level Canny helps to catch squares.. l Use Canny instead of zero threshold level Canny helps to catch squares with gradient shading if l 0 Canny..
How to use OpenCV to remove non text areas from a business card? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10255013/how-to-use-opencv-to-remove-non-text-areas-from-a-business-card text 4 Erode the image cv erode 5 detect edges using canny 6 detect text lines using hough transform not yet code cv Mat..
OpenCV's Canny Edge Detection in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11987483/opencvs-canny-edge-detection-in-c what happens and what you should do to improve. wiki canny on google However the improvement above will give you much better..
Better algorithm for edge filter in video programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12971093/better-algorithm-for-edge-filter-in-video-programming to recommend the best or at least better algorithm than canny . Now I have tested Sobel but the result is no better than canny's... . Now I have tested Sobel but the result is no better than canny's. If possible please link me to some good example for reference...
Fill the holes in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1716274/fill-the-holes-in-opencv an edge map extracted from edge detection module in OpenCV canny edge detection . What I want to do is to fill the holes in the..
how can I find repeated elements in a vector [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20635265/how-can-i-find-repeated-elements-in-a-vector 2 to vector 1 2 and so on here a code simple cv HoughLines canny lineQ 1 CV_PI 180 200 std cout line Size lineQ.size std endl..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning being detected cvSmooth gray gray CV_GAUSSIAN 7 7 IplImage canny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgbcanny.. cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgbcanny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny.. cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny 50 100 3 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles gray storage CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT..
Square detection doesn't find squares http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7731742/square-detection-doesnt-find-squares forces edges merging Canny gray0 gray 0 thresh 5 dilate canny output to remove potential holes between edge segments dilate..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Proper object detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8593652/opencv-c-obj-c-proper-object-detection Apply Adaptive threshold cv adaptiveThreshold Apply canny edge detection cv Canny Finding contours cv findContours My..