c++ Programming Glossary: cancel
Cancel async_read due to timeout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10858719/cancel-async-read-due-to-timeout true _io_service poll_one if _message_received timer.cancel break else if _timeout_triggered _socket cancel break return.. timer.cancel break else if _timeout_triggered _socket cancel break return _bytes_transferred The main question I have is.. look like _io_service run_one if _message_received timer.cancel else if _timeout_triggered _socket cancel _io_service reset..
cannot call member function without object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1127738/cannot-call-member-function-without-object i return true int main cout Enter names and ages. Use 0 to cancel. n while Name_pairs test Name_pairs read_names Name_pairs read_ages.. int main Name_pairs np cout Enter names and ages. Use 0 to cancel. n while np.test np.read_names np.read_ages np.print keep_window_open..
Is there a way to cancel/detach a future in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12086622/is-there-a-way-to-cancel-detach-a-future-in-c11 there a way to cancel detach a future in C 11 I have the following code #include.. prints Sleeping Done and then segfaults. Is there a way to cancel or detach the future so my code will exit at the end of main.. The C 11 standard does not provide a direct way to cancel a task started with std async . You will have to implement your..
How can I “unuse” a namespace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/167862/how-can-i-unuse-a-namespace I least want or expect it. Is there a way I can somehow cancel override a previous using statement to avoid this. Maybe.....
How do I guarantee fast shutdown of my win32 app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209086/how-do-i-guarantee-fast-shutdown-of-my-win32-app as well. In summary avoid blocking calls that you can't cancel. If you can't and you're stuck in a blocking socket call doing..
How to set a timeout on blocking sockets in boost asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/291871/how-to-set-a-timeout-on-blocking-sockets-in-boost-asio on blocking sockets in boost asio Is there a way to cancel a pending operation without disconnect or set a timeout for..
Cancelling a thread using pthread_cancel : good practice or bad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4760687/cancelling-a-thread-using-pthread-cancel-good-practice-or-bad a thread using pthread_cancel good practice or bad I have a C program on Linux CentOS 5.3.. perform a job and sleep for certain minutes. Now I have to cancel the running threads in case a new configuration notification.. start new set of threads for which i have used pthread_cancel. What I observed was the threads were not getting stopped even..
Function argument type followed by *& http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5054484/function-argument-type-followed-by double but not both. It would have thought they would just cancel out. Here's an example and this is all from their code which.. different from or by themselves and why do they not just cancel themselves out And what does that make the function foo expect..
Some clarification needed about synchronous versus asynchronous asio operations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5282659/some-clarification-needed-about-synchronous-versus-asynchronous-asio-operations chaining used to implement the data transfer. Timeouts and cancel ability. There are platform specific ways to timeout a long.. operations enables the usage of deadline_timer canceling long running operations on all supported platforms. Of course..
pthread create error in c++ [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6352280/pthread-create-error-in-c the join in the destructor of the ServerManager. pthread_cancel pthread_cancel is an asynchronous request for the thread to.. destructor of the ServerManager. pthread_cancel pthread_cancel is an asynchronous request for the thread to stop. The call.. handlers and then exit. It is a good idea to wait for a cancelled thread using pthread_jon . class ServerManager public void..
Cancel async_read due to timeout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10858719/cancel-async-read-due-to-timeout async_read due to timeout I'm trying to write a wrapper synchronous..
Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10959134/why-simple-console-app-runs-but-dialog-based-does-not-run-in-win-ce-6-0 code here to handle when the dialog is dismissed with Cancel Since the dialog has been closed return FALSE so that we exit..
(C++) MessageBox for Linux like in MS Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1384125/c-messagebox-for-linux-like-in-ms-windows Question Title Message QMessageBox Ok QMessageBox Cancel if mb.exec QMessageBox Ok do_stuff share improve this answer..
What does the “|” in “int style = SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL | SWT.OK;” do (and how to Google it)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1396340/what-does-the-in-int-style-swt-application-modal-swt-ok-do-and-how-t Retry Ignore box if style SWT.OK_CANCEL we want an OK Cancel box ... if style SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL We want a modal box .....
unexplained delay after QProgressBar finish loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14398050/unexplained-delay-after-qprogressbar-finish-loading in Qt's Event Queue has been processed. If there is e.g. a Cancel button you will have to check if the user actually cancelled.. but that will not allow clicking anything e.g. a Cancel Button while the loop is active. As a further note It should..
Which Typesafe Enum in C++ Are You Using? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/217549/which-typesafe-enum-in-c-are-you-using Result public TypesafeEnum static const Result CANCEL Cancel static const Result OK Ok Result doModal ... const Dialog Result..
Prompting a user with an input box? [C++] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4201399/prompting-a-user-with-an-input-box-c and pressed OK else user entered nothing or pressed Cancel You can download the Qt library here qt.nokia.com products developer..
Why does Windres report a syntax error on my GROUPBOX statement? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4778823/why-does-windres-report-a-syntax-error-on-my-groupbox-statement Serif BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON OK IDOK 174 18 50 14 PUSHBUTTON Cancel IDCANCEL 174 35 50 14 GROUPBOX About this program... IDC_STATIC..
How do I add a reference to an unmanaged C++ project called by a C# project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5107694/how-do-i-add-a-reference-to-an-unmanaged-c-project-called-by-a-c-sharp-project like to add this reference to your project anyway ' Yes No Cancel . Clicking Yes produces the error message A reference to mycppproject..
I don't want my Excel Add-In to return an array (instead I need a UDF to change other cells) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8520732/i-dont-want-my-excel-add-in-to-return-an-array-instead-i-need-a-udf-to-change 0 mWindowsTimerID On Error GoTo 0 mWindowsTimerID 0 ' Cancel any previous OnTime timers If mApplicationTimerTime 0 Then On..