c++ Programming Glossary: cascade
C++ Cartesian product iterator calling base class function on first iteration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10706611/c-cartesian-product-iterator-calling-base-class-function-on-first-iteration second if it 1 rangeIter.end return mode stopIter else cascade get 2 it second get 0 it second it else normal break point..
Select Timeout error in Ubuntu - Opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12715209/select-timeout-error-in-ubuntu-opencv ~ College opencv faceDetect_sample make . faceDetect cascade haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml nested cascade haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml.. opencv faceDetect_sample make . faceDetect cascade haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml nested cascade haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml.. faceDetect cascade haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml nested cascade haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml VIDIOC_QUERYMENU Invalid..
Track numbered markers in a video http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19200186/track-numbered-markers-in-a-video you can do to decrease processing time Don't load haar cascade during processing each frame load it only once before starting.. this object. play with parameters and check different cascades once you find face in frame number n than in frame number n.. system. Note it's good idea to force normal using haar cascade search from time to time i've decided to do this once per each..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20772893/how-to-detect-a-christmas-tree images. Therefore approaches that require training haar cascade classifiers or template matching are not very interesting. I'm..
How does the pimpl idiom reduce dependencies? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3597693/how-does-the-pimpl-idiom-reduce-dependencies dependencies. So any changes to those headers don't cascade into a recompile of most of your project. Plus general idealism..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file CvMemStorage storage 0 static CvHaarClassifierCascade cascade 0 void detect_and_draw IplImage image void WriteInDB int found_face.. pt1 CvPoint pt2 int load_DB char filename const char cascade_name C Program Files OpenCV OpenCV2.1 data haarcascades haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml.. cascade_name C Program Files OpenCV OpenCV2.1 data haarcascades haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml BEGIN NEW CODE #define..
How can I create cartesian product of vector of vectors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5279051/how-can-i-create-cartesian-product-of-vector-of-vectors I'm the last digit and I'm about to roll return else cascade it me it begin it else normal break share improve..