c++ Programming Glossary: cap.isopened
OpenCV on Mac is not opening USB web camera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14187866/opencv-on-mac-is-not-opening-usb-web-camera 1 i 1500 i if cap.open i cout Found camera d n i break if cap.isOpened Check if we succeeded return 1 If I initialize i with 0 it immediately..
Reading a video with openCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14833553/reading-a-video-with-opencv frame cv VideoCapture cap d BMDvideos B Aufnahme.avi if cap.isOpened cout Error can't find the file endl while 1 if cap.read frame.. int main int argc char argv cv VideoCapture cap argv 1 if cap.isOpened std cout Failed to open file argv 1 std endl return 1 cv Mat..
OpenCV crash when attempting to capture default iSight camera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19169911/opencv-crash-when-attempting-to-capture-default-isight-camera using namespace cv int main int char VideoCapture cap 0 if cap.isOpened return 1 Mat frame edges namedWindow edges 1 for cap frame..
OpenCV C++ Video Capture does not seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3940780/opencv-c-video-capture-does-not-seem-to-work int char VideoCapture cap 0 open the default camera if cap.isOpened check if we succeeded return 1 Mat edges namedWindow edges 1..
How to count cameras in OpenCV 2.3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7322939/how-to-count-cameras-in-opencv-2-3 int device 0 device 10 device VideoCapture cap device if cap.isOpened return device If I have a camera connected it never failed..
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv argv 1 VideoCapture cap argv 1 open the default camera if cap.isOpened check if we succeeded std cout Failed to load file std endl..
How to read in a video file as grayscale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8408597/how-to-read-in-a-video-file-as-grayscale 3444370 176769 With the C interface VideoCapture cap 0 if cap.isOpened print error msg return 1 namedWindow gray 1 Mat frame Mat gray..
Decode audio and video and process both streams — ffmpeg, sdl, opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9429342/decode-audio-and-video-and-process-both-streams-ffmpeg-sdl-opencv to Audio setup_ffmpeg argv 1 VideoCapture cap argv 1 if cap.isOpened std cout Failed to load file std endl return 1 AVPacket packet..