c++ Programming Glossary: casted
Reflective Factory in C++ Derived class unable to access protected methods? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10193280/reflective-factory-in-c-derived-class-unable-to-access-protected-methods base class. Using dynamic_cast and RTTI the objects can be casted back to their original type if necessary. One should be able..
Why the size of a pointer to a function is different from the size of a pointer to a member function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12006854/why-the-size-of-a-pointer-to-a-function-is-different-from-the-size-of-a-pointer type. In other words any pointer must be able to be casted to void right If so then why sizeof void is 8 while sizeof a..
Why parameters of universal reference needs to be casted, before used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12837327/why-parameters-of-universal-reference-needs-to-be-casted-before-used parameters of universal reference needs to be casted before used In the lecture about universal references Scott..
is NULL/false in C and C++ anything more than 0x0 / 0b0 / '\0' / 0 [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15616177/is-null-false-in-c-and-c-anything-more-than-0x0-0b0-0-0 defined to be zero NULL is guaranteed to be zero perhaps casted to void 1 . C99 § ¶3 An integer constant expression with..
object size with virtual http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2038717/object-size-with-virtual This is how it works in multiple inheritance if the C is casted to a B the pointer value gets adjusted by 8 bytes. A vtable..
How do I write a short literal in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/208433/how-do-i-write-a-short-literal-in-c short 2 Yeah it's not stricly a short literal more of a casted int but the behaviour is the same and I there isn't a direct..
Which of these will create a null pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2511921/which-of-these-will-create-a-null-pointer
Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28002/regular-cast-vs-static-cast-vs-dynamic-cast pointer if the object referred to doesn't contain the type casted to as a base class when you cast to a reference a bad_cast exception..
Resolving RVA's for Import and Export tables within a PE file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2975639/resolving-rvas-for-import-and-export-tables-within-a-pe-file the address of the PE file loaded into program memory then casted this into a valid export table header. I am turning up NULL..
Why do we need “this pointer adjustor thunk”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3481548/why-do-we-need-this-pointer-adjustor-thunk is a offset in between 1 . When a pointer to derived is casted to a pointer to base including implicit casts but not reinterpret..
Pointer to member conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4295117/pointer-to-member-conversion not inherited from B the pointer to member 'm' cannot be casted to the type of pointer to member of B class Base class Derived..
Function signature-like expressions as C++ template arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4642079/function-signature-like-expressions-as-c-template-arguments perfectly fine to take in the function itself. It gets casted behind the scenes. As for your second question why it's illegal..
C++ equivalent of instanceof http://stackoverflow.com/questions/500493/c-equivalent-of-instanceof NewType v dynamic_cast NewType old if v 0 old was safely casted to NewType v doSomething This requires your compiler to have..
Does the evil cast get trumped by the evil compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/712334/does-the-evil-cast-get-trumped-by-the-evil-compiler that location pTOCONST is mutable after all. In short you casted away the const ness don't do that. Poor defenseless C... Addendum..
std::transform() and toupper(), no matching function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7131858/stdtransform-and-toupper-no-matching-function the following would work see the last argument how it is casted to appropriate type std transform s.begin s.end std back_inserter..
Why can't I return a double from two ints being divided http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7571326/why-cant-i-return-a-double-from-two-ints-being-divided
C-Style upcast and downcast involving private inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/844816/c-style-upcast-and-downcast-involving-private-inheritance type of inheritance from memory footprint After bPtr1 is casted to aPtr3 i will have to use another C style cast to downcast..
Implicit conversion when overloading operators for template classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8890051/implicit-conversion-when-overloading-operators-for-template-classes T is know allowing the compiler to investigate what can be casted to make the arguments match. I made an example based on yours..
Loading texture for OpenGL with OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9126002/loading-texture-for-opengl-with-opencv stones.jpg because in if expr expr must be bool or can be casted to bool . But there is no way to convert cv Mat into boolean..