c++ Programming Glossary: capturing
Is there a use case for std::function that is not covered by function pointers, or is it just syntactic sugar? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15322058/is-there-a-use-case-for-stdfunction-that-is-not-covered-by-function-pointers function pointers cannot do although it is true that non capturing lambdas can be converted to function pointers . To give you..
Capturing video out of an OpenGL window in Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154730/capturing-video-out-of-an-opengl-window-in-windows I am supposed to provide my users a really simple way of capturing video clips out of my OpenGL application's main window. I am..
How should one log when an exception is triggered? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15504166/how-should-one-log-when-an-exception-is-triggered stacks against your own solution. Note that the lambda is capturing everything from its enclosing scope which is quite convenient...
What is the correct way of using C++11's range-based for? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15927033/what-is-the-correct-way-of-using-c11s-range-based-for range based for loop iterations. This is because we are capturing the elements from the container by value the auto x part in.. types like int double etc. for auto elem container Else capturing by const reference is better in the general case to avoid useless.. reference 'x' x 10 ^ The correct approach in this case is capturing by non const reference vector int v 1 3 5 7 9 for auto x v x..
Virtual Webcam Driver http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1627448/virtual-webcam-driver don't work on some programs which doesn't use DirectX for capturing webcam image. I have to write a kernel mode device driver so...
Capturing of `this` in lambda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16323032/capturing-of-this-in-lambda to pass it by value so the language just doesn't support capturing this by reference. To capture this explicitly you can use this..
A positive lambda: '+[]{}' - What sorcery is this? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18889028/a-positive-lambda-what-sorcery-is-this closure object according to §5.1.2. As the lambda is a non capturing lambda the following applies 5.1.2 Lambda expressions expr.prim.lambda..
C++0x lambda, how can I pass as a parameter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3321283/c0x-lambda-how-can-i-pass-as-a-parameter the rescue... and there is no safety net against passing capturing lambdas in typedef uint64_t WeightFunc void param template class..
OpenAL: How to create simple “Microphone Echo” programm? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4087727/openal-how-to-create-simple-microphone-echo-programm alcGetError inputDevice alcCaptureStart inputDevice Begin capturing errorCode alcGetError inputDevice alGenBuffers 16 helloBuffer..
C++11 lambdas require capturing 'this' to call static member function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4940259/c11-lambdas-require-capturing-this-to-call-static-member-function 11 lambdas require capturing 'this' to call static member function For the following code..
Fastest method of screen capturing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5069104/fastest-method-of-screen-capturing method of screen capturing I want to write a screencasting program for the Windows platform.. all. Edit I came across this article Various methods for capturing the screen . It has introduced me to the Windows Media API way..
efficiently acquiring a screenshot of the windows desktop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5292700/efficiently-acquiring-a-screenshot-of-the-windows-desktop
BitBlt performance with Aero enabled http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7154574/bitblt-performance-with-aero-enabled I'd like to get more performance out of BitBlt for capturing the screen. When Aero remains enabled capturing only a 400x400.. BitBlt for capturing the screen. When Aero remains enabled capturing only a 400x400 pixel area of the screen reduces capture time..
What is a lambda expression in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7627098/what-is-a-lambda-expression-in-c11 by reference epsilon specify that the default way of capturing is by reference and what we want to capture epsilon capture..
Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715776/using-quaternions-for-opengl-rotations be best to use Euler angles or a Pitch Yaw Roll scheme for capturing player input. At the moment arrow keys control Pitch and Yaw..
Capturing syscall stdout without writing to file in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1103047/capturing-syscall-stdout-without-writing-to-file-in-c-c syscall stdout without writing to file in C C I want to read..
Capturing a time in milliseconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1120478/capturing-a-time-in-milliseconds a time in milliseconds The following piece of code is used..
Capturing stdout from a system() command optimally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125828/capturing-stdout-from-a-system-command-optimally stdout from a system command optimally I'm trying to start..
Capturing video out of an OpenGL window in Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154730/capturing-video-out-of-an-opengl-window-in-windows video out of an OpenGL window in Windows I am supposed to provide..
Capturing of `this` in lambda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16323032/capturing-of-this-in-lambda of `this` in lambda I understand the correct way to capture..
Capturing network status change event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2101041/capturing-network-status-change-event network status change event I am trying to get events when..
Capturing R6025 pure virtual call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/224163/capturing-r6025-pure-virtual-call R6025 pure virtual call I currently capture MiniDumps of unhandled..
GetDIBits and loop through pixels using X, Y http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3688409/getdibits-and-loop-through-pixels-using-x-y the pixels for a certain color range. I looked at MSDN's Capturing an Image example and know how to use the functions. I can get..
Capturing a keystroke in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4219506/capturing-a-keystroke-in-c a keystroke in C I have been doing some reading and I see that..
Capturing Audio Out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4578697/capturing-audio-out Audio Out I want to capture all audio that is played to the..
Distinguish between single and double click events in Qt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4627347/distinguish-between-single-and-double-click-events-in-qt You can find answer in the thread titled Double Click Capturing on QtCentre forum You could have a timer. Start the timer in..
Capturing cout in Visual Studio 2005 output window? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/73286/capturing-cout-in-visual-studio-2005-output-window cout in Visual Studio 2005 output window I created a C console..
What is a lambda expression in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7627098/what-is-a-lambda-expression-in-c11 double d double if d 0.0001 return 0 else return d Capturing variables So far we've not used anything other than what was..