

c++ Programming Glossary: filter_iterator

polymorphic iterators in C++


one of my hobby projects template typename ForwardIt class filter_iterator public std iterator std forward_iterator_tag typename std iterator_traits.. typedef typename std function bool ValueType FunctionType filter_iterator explicit filter_iterator ForwardIt end it_ end end_ end filter_iterator.. bool ValueType FunctionType filter_iterator explicit filter_iterator ForwardIt end it_ end end_ end filter_iterator ForwardIt it..

Is it possible to use boost::filter_iterator for output?


it possible to use boost filter_iterator for output I am using std transform with an std back_inserter.. objects from getting appended. I thought about using boost filter_iterator but not sure how to present the end parameter of the filtered.. of the filtered range. The documentation of boost filter_iterator suggests that output filtering is possible. Should I just specialize..