

c++ Programming Glossary: finding

Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe


the executable's path from argv 0 PATH and whatnot risking finding bugs in edge cases c c linux osx executable share improve..

Very poor boost::lexical_cast performance


performance Windows XP SP3. Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz. I'm finding the boost lexical_cast performance to be extremely slow. Wanted..

What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?


yet care where. The linking phase is responsible for finding the symbol and correctly linking it to b.cpp well actually to..

C++ Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation


on the current complexity of the heap for both allocation finding a hole of the proper size and de allocating collapsing holes..

How to filter items from a std::map?


value_type action do some stuff void foo loop the actions finding expired items Actions actions BOOST_FOREACH Actions value_type..

Program only crashes as release build — how to debug?


more in this post . Thanks everybody for your help in finding this problem c debugging share improve this question In..

Remove comments from C/C++ code


share improve this question Thanks to KennyTM for finding the right flags. Here ™s the result for completeness test.c #define..

How `is_base_of` works?


by from Host B D to D and B respectively. For finding conversion functions that can convert the class the following..

When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?


masks a bug. Mathematically odd numbers are good for finding bugs assuming a cleared lower bit. Large numbers byte values.. byte values at least are less typical and are good at finding bad addresses. Atypical values i.e. not too often are good since..

The Best Place to Start Learning C++ [closed]


lump C and c together. They are surprisingly different and finding a C tutorial or C written by a C programmer will only teach..

How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010


to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010 I struggled finding a how to which provides a stable solution for using Qt with..

Polymorphism in c++


values of at least two distinct types e.g. int and double finding and executing distinct type appropriate code. C mechanisms for.. values of at least two distinct types e.g. int and double finding and executing type appropriate code . a itself runs code specifically.. From the definition at the top of this answer they address finding and executing type appropriate code by mapping away from parameter..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


and Linux. Even though this seems to be a standard task finding the necessary information in the manuals WIN32 API GNU docs..

How to find all possible subsets of a given array?


of a given subset adding the values is simple. For finding subsets which equal a total t for large N one optimisation might..

C++: When to use References vs. Pointers


operator needs a reference argument but in general I'm finding I prefer to use pointers and const pointers as the syntax is..

Fast Cross-Platform C/C++ Image Processing Libraries


image libraries for image processing resizing and finding the color hue histograms . No gui needed. This is for C C ...

What are the distinctions between the various symbols (*,&, etc) combined with parameters? [duplicate]


to many of you but I have genuinely had an impossible time finding a good thorough explanation despite all my best Googling. I'm..

C++ Singleton design pattern


and how to cope Static variables initialisation order Finding C static initialization order problems See this article describing..

Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe


current executable's path without proc self exe It seems to..

scale and rotation Template matching


rotated object in scene. Update In short algorithm is this Finding keypoints of your object image 1.1. Extracting descriptors from.. image 1.1. Extracting descriptors from those keypoints Finding keypoints of your scene image 2.1 Extracting descriptors from..

What open source C++ static analysis tools are available? [closed]


source tool it could be modified to fit certain needs. Finding the tools has not been easy task. Below is a short list of C..

How can I extend a lexical cast to support enumerated types?


share improve this question You have to do two steps. Finding an integral type large enough to store the values. You could..

Finding C++ interval tree algorithm implementation [duplicate]


C interval tree algorithm implementation duplicate This question..

Finding the centroid of a polygon?


the centroid of a polygon I have tried for each vertex add..

C++ cast syntax styles


true if searching for casts with an automated tool. Finding C style casts reliably is nearly impossible. As palm3D noted..

Finding C++ static initialization order problems


C static initialization order problems We've run into some..

Finding the type of an object in C++


the type of an object in C I have a class A and another class..

Singleton instance declared as static variable of GetInstance method


each other during construction and destruction. Read this Finding C static initialization order problems A variation on this problem..

Destructors of builtin types (int, char etc..)


in case we later replace PODs with real classes. Finding out that naked int's don't work but typedefed ones do was quite..

What is the best way to do input validation in C++ with cin?


the flags for other readers that rely on it not throwing. Finding it way easier to just use the functions fail bad to ask for..

Finding duplicates in O(n) time and O(1) space


duplicates in O n time and O 1 space Input Given an array of..

Handcode GUI or use gui-designer tool


to a GUI written a long time ago it can be very difficult. Finding the right element in big panel can be difficult. The second..

Protecting executable from reverse engineering?


that people usually use to understand how code works. Finding creative ways to break disassemblers debuggers etc is both likely..

Finding all the subsets of a set


all the subsets of a set I need an algorithm to find all of..

Finding out the CPU clock frequency (per core, per processor)


out the CPU clock frequency per core per processor Programs..