

c++ Programming Glossary: finally

Which iomanip manipulators are 'sticky'?


in behavior between std ios_base width and std setw Finally is there an online reference that clearly documents this behavior..

How to compile a 64-bit application using Visual C++ 2010 Express?


will also be a Platform drop down that will read Win32. Finally on the right there is a Configuration Manager button press it... dialog box the Platform drop down should now read x64. Finally change your toolset. In the Properties menu of your project..

What are some uses of template template parameters in C++?


this would be a way to know the type inside the function. Finally here's a version which does work with std vector template template..

Simple example of threading in C++


the thread will do followed by the function's parameters. Finally invoke it like so t1.join Result The entire code is this #include..

Combining C++ and C - how does #ifdef __cplusplus work?


the #include. Is this the right way to deal with that Finally is this set up a good idea Is there anything else we should..

C++ performance challenge: integer to std::string conversion


commercial use allowed attribution required . Just ask. Finally the function ltoa is non standard but widely available. ltoa..

C++ - enum vs. const vs. #define


cpp tutorial 45 enumerated types it mentions the following Finally as with constant variables enumerated types show up in the debugger..

Pretty-print C++ STL containers


also defined to work with both char and wchar_t streams. Finally I've used std enable_if which is available as part of C 0x and..

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops


parenthesis # Look for a sequence of balanced substrings # Finally the outer closing parenthesis. # must end with a semi colon.. parenthesis # Look for a sequence of balanced substrings # Finally the outer closing parenthesis. # must end with a semi colon..

Is there a way to instantiate objects from a string holding their class name?


assigning to it. Have a look at its documentation here . Finally the use of a raw function pointer is also a bit oldish. Modern..

Gui toolkits, which should I use? [closed]


platform toolkit then I would prefer it be for Linux. Finally I would DRAMATICALLY prefer an open source toolkit to a closed..

Difference between 'struct' and 'typedef struct' in C++?


is just an abbreviation for the declaration and typedef. Finally typedef struct ... Foo declares an anonymous structure and creates..

Unicode encoding for string literals in C++11


similarly for u8 In 1 can I write lone surrogates with u Finally are any of the string functions encoding aware i.e. they are.. surrogate pairs 0xD800 0xDFFF as codepoints for u or U . Finally are any of the string functions encoding aware i.e. they are..

Subclass/inherit standard containers?


in a class. A classic description of encapsulation Finally in general you should never think about inheritance as a means..

casting unused return values to void


full static cast notation just feels like overkill here. Finally if you're reviewing a coding standard or writing one then it's..

OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010


Directories field add this C OpenCV2.3 build x86 vc9 lib Finally for this simple test we are going to add the libraries opencv_core230.lib..

What is the closest thing windows has to fork()?


the child is waiting on and returns from the fork call. Finally the child wakes from blocking on the last mutex recreates any..

What does the explicit keyword in C++ mean?


Calling C/C++ from python?


o foo.o g shared Wl soname libfoo.so o libfoo.so foo.o And finally you have to write your python wrapper e.g. in fooWrapper.py..

Does C++ support 'finally' blocks? (And what's this 'RAII' I keep hearing about?)


C support 'finally' blocks And what's this 'RAII' I keep hearing about Does C.. what's this 'RAII' I keep hearing about Does C support ' finally ' blocks What is the RAII idiom What is the difference between.. 's RAII idiom and C#'s 'using' statement c exception raii finally c faq share improve this question No C does not support..

Pointer declarations in C++: placement of the asterisk


of the asterisk I've recently decided that I just have to finally learn C C and there is one thing I do not really understand..

Why is `i = ++i + 1` unspecified behavior?


assigned first then the other value will be assigned and finally the program will continue running as usual no nasal demons or..

Spinlock versus Semaphore


data from the network decodes and parses the data and finally modifies a shared reference append data to a container etc...

What is a simple example of floating point/rounding error?


I'm getting some rounding floating point error. So I'm finally going to figure out the basics of floating point error. What..

Why does C++ not have reflection?


runtime since it requires access to the source code. And finally reflection isn't quite as vital in C as it is in C#. The reason..

RAII and smart pointers in C++


we close the file Java solves the second problem using a finally clause try File file new File path to file Do stuff with file.. try File file new File path to file Do stuff with file finally file.close C solves both problems using RAII that is closing..

Can I use C++11 with Xcode?


c 11 clang share improve this question Xcode 4.2 had finally added support for C 0X In the project build settings screen..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


persist the configuration I will use regitry for that and finally execute javascript. I will describe it step by step how I managed.. uint nCmdexecopt In IntPtr pvaIn In Out IntPtr pvaOut and finally a form that we will use to configure the options. In this form..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


get this to work but never got meaningful values. When I finally checked the kernel sources themselves I found out that apparently..

C++, __try and try/catch/finally


__try and try catch finally I'm wondering a bit about C try catch finally blocks. I've.. try catch finally I'm wondering a bit about C try catch finally blocks. I've seen these commands with two underscores like __try... underscores Thanks Martin c exception handling try catch finally share improve this question On Windows exceptions are supported..

What is the difference between char a[] = “string”; and char *p = “string”;


value there add three element sizes to the pointer and finally fetch the character pointed to. In the example above both a..