c++ Programming Glossary: filesize
Converting 1-bit bmp file to array in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14597043/converting-1-bit-bmp-file-to-array-in-c-c are aligned on 4 byte boundary int lineSize w 8 w 8 4 int fileSize lineSize h unsigned char img malloc w h data malloc fileSize.. lineSize h unsigned char img malloc w h data malloc fileSize skip the header fseek f 54 SEEK_SET skip palette two rgb quads.. quads 8 bytes fseek f 8 SEEK_CUR read data fread data 1 fileSize f decode bits int i j k rev_j for j 0 rev_j h 1 j h j rev_j..
Get a font filename based on the font handle (HFONT) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16769758/get-a-font-filename-based-on-the-font-handle-hfont std ios binary std ios ate if file.is_open return size_t fileSize file.tellg if fileSize FONT_FINGERPRINT_SIZE return std shared_ptr.. ate if file.is_open return size_t fileSize file.tellg if fileSize FONT_FINGERPRINT_SIZE return std shared_ptr FontListItem fontListItem.. FileName fontFileName fontListItem FingerPrintOffset rand fileSize FONT_FINGERPRINT_SIZE file.seekg fontListItem FingerPrintOffset..
Efficient way of reading a file into an std::vector<char>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4761529/efficient-way-of-reading-a-file-into-an-stdvectorchar testFile testfile rb std vector char fileContents int fileSize getFileSize testFile fileContents.reserve fileSize testFile.read.. int fileSize getFileSize testFile fileContents.reserve fileSize testFile.read fileContents 0 fileSize which doesn't work because.. fileContents.reserve fileSize testFile.read fileContents 0 fileSize which doesn't work because reserve doesn't actually insert anything..
sprintf for unsigned _int64 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5140871/sprintf-for-unsigned-int64 void main unsigned _int64 dbFileSize 99 unsigned _int64 fileSize 100 char buf 128 memset buf 0x00 128 sprintf buf nOD DB File.. buf nOD DB File Size d bytes t XML file size d bytes fileSize dbFileSize printf The string is s buf Output The string is OD.. inttypes.h void main uint64_t dbFileSize 99 uint64_t fileSize 100 char buf 128 memset buf 0x00 128 sprintf buf nOD DB File..
Loading a file into a vector<char> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241871/loading-a-file-into-a-vectorchar file.fail file.seekg 0 std ios_base end std streampos fileSize file.tellg vec.resize fileSize file.seekg 0 std ios_base beg.. ios_base end std streampos fileSize file.tellg vec.resize fileSize file.seekg 0 std ios_base beg file.read vec 0 fileSize share..