c++ Programming Glossary: findresource
embedded resource in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1074362/embedded-resource-in-c use the following code to get the resource HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceId type HGLOBAL hRes LoadResource.. resourceId and type . For example for a .png file I use FindResource hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE bitmapId _T PNG the PNG string is..
How to Embed/Link binary data into a C++ DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2740164/how-to-embed-link-binary-data-into-a-c-dll access them with your framework's resource functions like FindResource LoadResource etc... If you don't have a resource script. Click..
Embed Text File in a Resource in a native Windows Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933295/embed-text-file-in-a-resource-in-a-native-windows-application char data HMODULE handle GetModuleHandle NULL HRSRC rc FindResource handle MAKEINTRESOURCE name MAKEINTRESOURCE type HGLOBAL rcData..
reading an application's manifest file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420852/reading-an-applications-manifest-file the end of the EXE or DLL. You can use LoadLibraryEx FindResource LoadResource and LockResource to load the embedded resource... lpType LPWSTR lpName LONG_PTR lParam HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hModule lpName lpType DWORD cbResource SizeofResource hModule..
How to load a custom binary resource in a VC++ static library as part of a dll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9240188/how-to-load-a-custom-binary-resource-in-a-vc-static-library-as-part-of-a-dll resources will not get loaded by LoadCursor or found by FindResource if it is a custom resource and in a static library. This question.. windows.h int main int argc char argv HRSRC myResource FindResource NULL MAKEINTRESOURCE IDR_RCDATA1 RT_RCDATA HGLOBAL myResourceData.. fstream int main int argc char argv HRSRC myResource FindResource NULL MAKEINTRESOURCE IDR_RCDATA1 RT_RCDATA unsigned int myResourceSize..
embed DLL in MFC C++ EXE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9808467/embed-dll-in-mfc-c-exe false try Find and load the resource HRSRC hResource FindResource hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceID _T œBINARY HGLOBAL hFileResource..