

c++ Programming Glossary: finalizer

Repeated destructor calls and tracking handles in C++/CLI


the following departure from C For ref classes both the finalizer and destructor must be written so they can be executed multiple.. dies and the destructor is called which in turn calls the finalizer explicitly as is the usual idiom . This is all fine and well... live forever and can have both their destructors and their finalizers called over and over again In response to @Hans's demand for..

Is the destructor called if the constructor throws an exception?


an answer for C# and C . in C# replace 'destructor' with 'finalizer' c# c destructor finalizer share improve this question .. C# replace 'destructor' with 'finalizer' c# c destructor finalizer share improve this question Preamble Herb Sutter has a great..

c++/cli wrapper question


in the constructor. You'll need a destructor and a finalizer to delete that instance again. Then for each function in the..

Please, describe you experience of using Microsoft C++/CLI [closed]


that do something useful. In C# a destructor is a finalizer. In C it is a proper deterministically called destructor. This..