c# Programming Glossary: theprocess.processname
Setting external application focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1922707/setting-external-application-focus do For Each theprocess As Process In processlist If InStr theprocess.ProcessName DWG Then strProcessList String.Format Process 0 ID 1 theprocess.ProcessName.. DWG Then strProcessList String.Format Process 0 ID 1 theprocess.ProcessName theprocess.Id vbCrLf AppActivate theprocess.ID End If Next then..
How can I know if a process is running? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/262280/how-can-i-know-if-a-process-is-running
How do you kill a process for a particular user in .NET (C#)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/426573/how-do-you-kill-a-process-for-a-particular-user-in-net-c foreach Process theprocess in processlist if theprocess.ProcessName rdpclip theprocess.Kill Process.Start rdpclip I'm not certain.. WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent .Name.Replace SERVERNAME if theprocess.ProcessName rdpclip ProcessUserSID CurrentUser theprocess.Kill rdpclipFound..
How to get the URL of the Internet explorer tabs with PID of each tab? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8445742/how-to-get-the-url-of-the-internet-explorer-tabs-with-pid-of-each-tab the tabs.. foreach Process theprocess in processlist if theprocess.ProcessName iexplore Console.WriteLine Process 0 tID 1 tWindow name 2 theprocess.ProcessName.. iexplore Console.WriteLine Process 0 tID 1 tWindow name 2 theprocess.ProcessName theprocess.Id theprocess.MainWindowTitle Currently i can get..