c# Programming Glossary: than
Looking for C# HTML parser [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/100358/looking-for-c-sharp-html-parser to parse an html file with more html specific features than generic xml parsing libraries. c# .net html parsing html content..
Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125319/should-usings-be-inside-or-outside-the-namespace to note what happens if Foo is in namespace Outer rather than Outer.Inner . In that case adding Outer.Math in File2 breaks..
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the operation not valid Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on I have a scenario. Windows Forms.. operation not valid Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. To know more about this I did..
Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151005/create-excel-xls-and-xlsx-file-from-c-sharp the OLEDB method is intriguing but may not yield much more than what I can achieve with CSV files. I will look more into the..
Simple 2 way encryption for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/165808/simple-2-way-encryption-for-c-sharp keep honest people honest but something a little stronger than ROT13 or Base64. I'd prefer something that is already included.. I do enough to know that anything I wrote would be less than worthless...in fact I'd probably screw up the math and make.. a long string of numbers three per must pad numbers less than 100 . public byte StrToByteArray string str if str.Length 0..
What is the correct way to create a single instance application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19147/what-is-the-correct-way-to-create-a-single-instance-application instance application Using C# and WPF under .net rather than WindowsForms or console what is the correct way to create an..
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496096/casting-vs-using-the-as-keyword-in-the-clr up here at the suggestion of Michael Haren. Also I want to thank everyone who's provided insight and perspective on my question... different things if randomObject is a field rather than a local variable. It's possible for the if to pass but then.. Note currently this is actually slower than is cast . I think it's more elegant and consistent but there..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents else. It disables all the windows in the application other than the dialog. Now that 3 feet problem is solved the user cannot..
When to use struct in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521298/when-to-use-struct-in-c single value. A struct should have a memory footprint less than 16 bytes. A struct should not be changed after creation. Do.. integer double and so on . It has an instance size smaller than 16 bytes. It is immutable. It will not have to be boxed frequently... are fast in part because instancing a struct is quicker than a reference type. Here I have a Dictionary int int that stores..
Creating a blocking Queue<T> in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530211/creating-a-blocking-queuet-in-net like a bool flag if set an empty queue just returns rather than blocking bool closing public void Close lock queue closing..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface collector free memory used by MyCollection any faster than it normally would edit So far people have posted some good examples.. strings and you wanted to free that memory now rather than waiting for the garbage collector. Would the above code accomplish.. your original question Why not release memory now rather than for when the GC decides to do it I have a facial recognition..
What is the difference between Decimal, Float and Double in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/618535/what-is-the-difference-between-decimal-float-and-double-in-c
What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8447/what-does-the-flags-enum-attribute-mean-in-c the enumerable represents a collection of flags rather than a single value. Such collections are usually manipulated using..
Invalid object name 'dbo.TableName' when retreiving data from generated table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10473184/invalid-object-name-dbo-tablename-when-retreiving-data-from-generated-table to get all DbSet properties declared in your context. Than you can just use simple loop on these properties and create..
String to enum conversion in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1187085/string-to-enum-conversion-in-c-sharp I am displaying some entries like Equals Not Equals Less Than Greater Than Notice that these strings contain spaces. I have.. some entries like Equals Not Equals Less Than Greater Than Notice that these strings contain spaces. I have a enum defined.. these entries like enum Operation Equals Not_Equals Less_Than Greater_Than Since space is not allowed I have used _ character...
For i = 0, why is (i += i++) equal to 0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13516689/for-i-0-why-is-i-i-equal-to-0 statement would be evaluated first incrementing i with 1. Than it is added to i. Since i is already 1 it is adding 1 to 1...
Convert a Byte array to Image in c# after modifying the array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4444421/convert-a-byte-array-to-image-in-c-sharp-after-modifying-the-array the new bytearray in which the encrypted image will be. Than you loop over all the other bytes in the image and you encrypt..
Date format in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4544256/date-format-in-c-sharp that returns for 1 'st' 2 'nd' 3 'rd' any date no 'th'. Thanks in advance c# asp.net share improve this question The.. number.ToString rd default return number.ToString th Than you can generate your output string public static string GenerateDateString..
C# - R interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5377070/c-sharp-r-interface String bstrConnectorName Thanks in advance. UPDATE Ok still no luck. I will try to explain.. to load connector Releasing StatConnector Server...Done Than I looked in the PATH System Variables and found no path R_HOME..
How to switch between “possible” type of an object? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947343/how-to-switch-between-possible-type-of-an-object possible types that obj can be. How can I refactor this Thank you. c# .net types switch statement share improve this question.. GetUri and implement this interface in all you hierarchy. Than you can use public Uri GetUri object obj IHasUri hasUri obj..
More Elegant Exception Handling Than Multiple Catch Blocks? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/791390/more-elegant-exception-handling-than-multiple-catch-blocks Elegant Exception Handling Than Multiple Catch Blocks duplicate This question already has an..
Can Console.Clear be used to only clear a line instead of whole console? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8946808/can-console-clear-be-used-to-only-clear-a-line-instead-of-whole-console reference and by value without extra output questions. Thank you. c# share improve this question Description You can.. function to go to a specific line number. Than you can use this function to clear the line public static void..
Can't find PInvoke DLL - BUG? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9410197/cant-find-pinvoke-dll-bug header file extern C __declspec dllexport void CaptureGPS Than CaptureGPS will be exported and you will be able to call it..