c# Programming Glossary: thats
MVVM: Binding to Model while keeping Model in sync with a server version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10437241/mvvm-binding-to-model-while-keeping-model-in-sync-with-a-server-version is the DataContext for the View . The View has a TextBlock thats databound to Title on the Model. The ViewModel has a method..
Send a file via HTTP POST with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1131425/send-a-file-via-http-post-with-c-sharp the Method ContentType and ContentLength properties. But thats the far I can go. This is my piece of code HttpWebRequest req..
Clearing Page Cache in ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11585/clearing-page-cache-in-asp-net version of a perticular post for around 10 minutes and thats fine... @OutputCache Duration 600 VaryByParam However if someone..
What is the best scripting language to embed in a C# desktop application? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/137933/what-is-the-best-scripting-language-to-embed-in-a-c-sharp-desktop-application explain that there was no valid constructor found and thats why this script object wasn't run share improve this..
When to use thread pool in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145304/when-to-use-thread-pool-in-c to make your own threads is because of context changes thats when threads need to swap in and out of the process along with..
How to drag a UserControl inside a Canvas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1495408/how-to-drag-a-usercontrol-inside-a-canvas and drag it will drag the whole control. Not sure if thats exactly what you want. Edit Expanding on some of the specifics..
additional fields in NHibernate many-to-many relation tables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166426/additional-fields-in-nhibernate-many-to-many-relation-tables nhibernate share improve this question I don't think thats possible. If you are saying that the relation has some state..
avoiding null reference exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1943465/avoiding-null-reference-exceptions such as F# is it not possible to have a null value. But thats not the question I'm asking how to avoid null reference errors..
XML Serialization and Inherited Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20084/xml-serialization-and-inherited-types the classes involved and everything would be peachy. Sadly thats not the case So I have done some digging on Google and I now..
Multipart forms from C# client http://stackoverflow.com/questions/219827/multipart-forms-from-c-sharp-client oResponse HttpWebResponse oRequest.GetResponse Hope thats clear i've cut and pasted from a few sources to get that tidier...
Websocket server: onopen function on the web socket is never called http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2211898/websocket-server-onopen-function-on-the-web-socket-is-never-called of cause Do you see any apparent errors in the code hope thats not to much to ask c# websocket share improve this question..
Default value of a type at Runtime [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2490244/default-value-of-a-type-at-runtime doing this I know that a huge switch block will work but thats not a good choice. c# types default share improve this question..
c# Can I use reflection to inspect the code in a method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2693881/c-sharp-can-i-use-reflection-to-inspect-the-code-in-a-method binary IL stream for the implementation of a method. But thats usually completely useless by itself. There are external libraries..
Add spaces before Capital Letters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/272633/add-spaces-before-capital-letters 2 968 750 ticks the regex will take 25 000 000 ticks and thats with the regex compiled . It's better for a given value of better..
In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785029/in-what-areas-might-the-use-of-f-be-more-appropriate-than-c the type checker but once the type checker is satisfied thats it it works. Its almost binary either it wont compile or its..
SMS Gateway for Windows + C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3524742/sms-gateway-for-windows-c-sharp sites use like email to sms or something like that and thats how they get it for free I am trying to figure out how to make..
Good or bad practice for Dialogs in wpf with MVVM? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3801681/good-or-bad-practice-for-dialogs-in-wpf-with-mvvm DialogView EditOrNewAuswahlItem DataTemplate Well thats all I can now call dialogs from my viewmodels var result this.uiDialogService.ShowDialog..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model and TProperty is inferred as the type of the property. But thats not quite right if you look at the actual type of the argument..
what's difference between Environment.Exit() and Application.Shutdown()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/905544/whats-difference-between-environment-exit-and-application-shutdown event on the main form and close down any resources thats hanging up the application preventing it from closing. This..
Does Stream.Dispose always call Stream.Close (and Stream.Flush) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/911408/does-stream-dispose-always-call-stream-close-and-stream-flush and skip the Close even though it is provided Yes thats what it's for. Are there any Stream implimentations that don't..
Static Vs Instance Method Performance C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3016717/static-vs-instance-method-performance-c-sharp share improve this question Your first link states Thats because static methods are using locks to be Thread safe. The..
LinqDataSource: Filtering and binding to gridview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3355254/linqdatasource-filtering-and-binding-to-gridview between your GetInquiries method and LinqDataSource. Thats first second is that even if there will be connection it will..
C# WatiN - Add an AlertDialogHandler to click ok button on every Alert dialog window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3454422/c-sharp-watin-add-an-alertdialoghandler-to-click-ok-button-on-every-alert-dial Note Sometimes the alert dialog window has two buttons. Thats why i really need to click the OK button not just Close the..
ASP.NET Custom 404 Returning 200 OK Instead of 404 Not Found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347281/asp-net-custom-404-returning-200-ok-instead-of-404-not-found object sender EventArgs e Response.StatusCode 404 Thats about it if I go to any page extension that is processed by..
Find if process is responding without using System.Diagnostics.Process.Responding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3514049/find-if-process-is-responding-without-using-system-diagnostics-process-respondin isn't available there so Responding isn't accurate. Thats why i need to know another way to find if a specific process..
C# Audio Library [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/466458/c-sharp-audio-library formats to be played for example mp3 wma wav ogg etc. Thats pretty much the basic functionality I would need. But if I could..
How to bind a string list to a datagrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479329/how-to-bind-a-string-list-to-a-datagrid c# binding datagridview share improve this question Thats because DataGridView looks for properties of containing objects...
passing data between two forms using properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5087934/passing-data-between-two-forms-using-properties you need to create event and subscribe to it in form1. Thats all. declare event in form 2 public event EventHandler SomeTextInSomeFormChanged..
Convert DataTable to generic List? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545328/convert-datatable-to-generic-list .SetValue obj row dataField.FieldName null return obj Thats the only thing we can think of right now is that we must be..
Non client painting on aero glass window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5634743/non-client-painting-on-aero-glass-window have adviced me the way I can customize non client area. Thats works perfectly except one small thing glowing I can draw glowing..
How and why do I set up a C# build machine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/616149/how-and-why-do-i-set-up-a-c-sharp-build-machine builds or start to ditch them after about a week or so A Thats up to you after so long I move our build artifacts to long term..
Event fires more and more times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6200424/event-fires-more-and-more-times their ControlContent and shows edited data in list box. Thats all fine but whenever i click on edit and then save again it..
How to create a windows registry watcher? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846366/how-to-create-a-windows-registry-watcher this event will tell the old and new value for that value. Thats possible how need just the idea or where to start c# .net vb.net..
Using C#/WIA version 2.0 on Vista to Scan http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8966/using-c-wia-version-2-0-on-vista-to-scan MemoryStream byte vector.get_BinaryData i.Save filename Thats a basic way works with my flatbed doc feeder. If you need more..
Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9835881/releasing-a-unplugged-virtual-serial-port ' if searcher.Get .Count 0 return true return false Thats the Callback Event of the Serial Port void BarcodeScannerCallback..