c# Programming Glossary: that'd
C# - remove text in between delimiters in a string - regex? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1359412/c-sharp-remove-text-in-between-delimiters-in-a-string-regex a set of 2 delimiters are overlapping i.e. he llo worl d that'd be an edge case that we can ignore here. The algorithm would..
Resize image gdi+ graphics .net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1582499/resize-image-gdi-graphics-net getting whats causing this. If someone knows the answer that'd be great critiques are welcome too. c# .net gdi share improve..
Design by contracts and constructors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767247/design-by-contracts-and-constructors to be explicit about which contracts each method has as that'd appear in Intelisense. Also are there any books around that..
Does Func<T>.BeginInvoke use the ThreadPool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3556634/does-funct-begininvoke-use-the-threadpool thread I'm almost certain that it'll use the ThreadPool as that'd be the logical thing to do but would appreciate it if someone..
Lex/Yacc for C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/540593/lex-yacc-for-c help text from e.g. attributes on those controller methods that'd be awesome too. c# share improve this question I'm not..
Semaphore implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6000674/semaphore-implementation was a way to implement semaphore in C or C# any libraries that'd help. I tried using OpenMP but I had no way of actually blocking..
Restricting a generic type parameters to have a specific constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9741211/restricting-a-generic-type-parameters-to-have-a-specific-constructor type parameter is not a very generic thing to do since that'd be tying up your generic type to a concrete implementation and..