c# Programming Glossary: export
How can a Word document be created in C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10412/how-can-a-word-document-be-created-in-c I have a project where I would like to generate a report export in MS Word format. The report will include images graphs tables..
Export DataTable to Excel File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1746701/export-datatable-to-excel-file File.Please help. Thanks Vix c# asp.net excel datatable export share improve this question use this code... dt city.GetAllCity..
How to export C# methods? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2082159/how-to-export-c-sharp-methods to export C# methods How can we export C# methods I have a dll and I.. to export C# methods How can we export C# methods I have a dll and I want to use its methods in the.. module. Because I need to use the ctypes module I need to export the C# methods for them to be visible in Python. So how can..
Simple C# CSV Excel export class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2422212/simple-c-sharp-csv-excel-export-class C# CSV Excel export class Thought this might be handy for someone this is an extremely.. might be handy for someone this is an extremely simple CSV export class that I needed. Features Extremely simple to use Escapes.. using System.Collections.Generic summary Simple CSV export Example CsvExport myExport new CsvExport myExport.AddRow myExport..
Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2563724/accessing-password-protected-network-drives-in-windows-in-c impersonate the client. This is useful for servers that export their own objects for example database products that export.. their own objects for example database products that export tables and views. Using the retrieved client security information..
Convert Rtf to HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/439301/convert-rtf-to-html and causes issues with some e mail clients. I wanted to export it as rich text and convert that to HTML if it's possible. Any..
Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444522/import-and-export-excel-what-is-the-best-library we take a certain data collection SubSonic collection and export it to Excel. We also want to import Excel files in a specific.. large files 100k to 10M fast enough. Doesn't crash when exporting GUIDs Does not cost a crapload of money no enterprise library.. I don't need to generate charts or anything like that just export raw data. I am thinking of flat CSV files but Excel is a customer..
What to do when bit mask (flags) enum gets too large http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060760/what-to-do-when-bit-mask-flags-enum-gets-too-large DeleteFormRole 1099511627776 DescriptionAttribute Export Locations ExportLocations 2199023255552 DescriptionAttribute.. 1099511627776 DescriptionAttribute Export Locations ExportLocations 2199023255552 DescriptionAttribute Import Locations.. 36028797018963968 DescriptionAttribute Import Export Choices 57 ImportExportChoices 72057594037927936 c# permissions..
Export DataTable to Excel File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1746701/export-datatable-to-excel-file DataTable to Excel File I have a DataTable with 30 columns..
MEF Constructor Injection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2008133/mef-constructor-injection this Here is the class i'm trying to load Serializable Export typeof BUsers public class EditProfile BUsers ImportingConstructor.. new CompositionContainer catalog container.ComposeExportedValue Method MethodValue container.ComposeExportedValue Version.. Method MethodValue container.ComposeExportedValue Version 2.0 container.ComposeParts this Note that ComposeExportedValue..
Simple C# CSV Excel export class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2422212/simple-c-sharp-csv-excel-export-class use Escapes commas and quotes so excel handles them fine Exports date and datetimes in timezone proof format Without further.. summary Simple CSV export Example CsvExport myExport new CsvExport myExport.AddRow myExport Region New York.. summary Simple CSV export Example CsvExport myExport new CsvExport myExport.AddRow myExport Region New York USA myExport..
Export to Word Document in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282531/export-to-word-document-in-c-sharp to Word Document in C# I'm looking for a .NET library that..
How do I auto size columns through the Excel interop objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884356/how-do-i-auto-size-columns-through-the-excel-interop-objects the columns using Microsoft.Office.Interop public class ExportReport public void Export Excel.Application excelApp new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application.. public class ExportReport public void Export Excel.Application excelApp new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application..
Silverlight DataGrid: Export to excel or csv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/304322/silverlight-datagrid-export-to-excel-or-csv DataGrid Export to excel or csv Is there a way I can export my Silverlight.. object sender RoutedEventArgs e string data ExportDataGrid true historyDataGrid SaveFileDialog sfd new SaveFileDialog.. 0 data.Replace .Replace n .Replace r public string ExportDataGrid bool withHeaders DataGrid grid string colPath System.Reflection.PropertyInfo..
Dependency injection and named loggers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3452318/dependency-injection-and-named-loggers have a depenency Import in MEF parlance on ILogManager Export from the assembly where it is implemented . Now I could have.. catalogs and other stuff ILogger logger container.GetExportedValue ILogger ThisLogger But how do I get the named instances..
c# (WinForms-App) export DataSet to Excel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/373925/c-sharp-winforms-app-export-dataset-to-excel which you could also extend. To use it simply call ExcelExport and specify a filename and whether to open the file automatically.. your DataTable using the following public static void ExcelExport DataTable data String fileName bool openAfter export a DataTable.. retry MessageBox.Show myException.Message Excel Export MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk share..
Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444522/import-and-export-excel-what-is-the-best-library and Export Excel What is the best library closed In one of our ASP.NET..
Difference between Dependency Injection and Mocking framework (Ninject vs RhinoMock or Moq) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5433211/difference-between-dependency-injection-and-mocking-framework-ninject-vs-rhinom little #Ifdef on the declarations for which classes to Export or expose Based on a #define symbol. So I just change one #define..
Export PDF to JPG(s) in C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8782942/export-pdf-to-jpgs-in-c-sharp PDF to JPG s in C# closed I need to save a one page pdf document.. had no luck. I have tried this http www.pdfsharp.net wiki ExportImages sample.ashx AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport 1 but all it does..