c# Programming Glossary: expressed
Regular expression to remove XML tags and their content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/121656/regular-expression-to-remove-xml-tags-and-their-content regular expression ADDITIONAL NOTES In the comments a user expressed worry that the '.' pattern matcher would be cpu intensive. While..
Solution for overloaded operator constraint in .NET generics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147646/solution-for-overloaded-operator-constraint-in-net-generics is no immediate answer operators are static and cannot be expressed in constraints and the existing primatives don't implement any..
Using my own method with LINQ to Entities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17187395/using-my-own-method-with-linq-to-entities it may be preferable to alter the query so it can be expressed using methods supported by the Entity Framework . An alternative..
How to get the file size of a “System.Drawing.Image” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221345/how-to-get-the-file-size-of-a-system-drawing-image out is how to retrieve the physical file size of the jpg expressed in bytes. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Final solution..
Decimal to binary conversion in c # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954962/decimal-to-binary-conversion-in-c share improve this question Your example has an integer expressed as a string. Let's say your integer was actually an integer..
What is the best practice for using public fields? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/379041/what-is-the-best-practice-for-using-public-fields any readonly immutable value not just one which may be expressed as a const in C#. Even readonly instance variables like Result..
multimap in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/380595/multimap-in-net be interpreted as representing official policies either expressed or implied of Solutions Design. Contributers to the code..
Parse a Number from Exponential Notation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3879463/parse-a-number-from-exponential-notation Notation I need to parse the string 1.2345E 02 a number expressed in exponential notation to a decimal data type but Decimal.Parse..
C# WinForms disable DPI scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4009150/c-sharp-winforms-disable-dpi-scaling the system font size. Necessarily so font sizes are expressed in points 1 72 inch. The fonts need to be bigger to get the..
Private inner classes in C# - why aren't they used more often? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454218/private-inner-classes-in-c-sharp-why-arent-they-used-more-often only by ClassA my guess is that this code would be better expressed as follow public class ClassA public MethodA some code myObjectClassB.DoSomething..
Help a C# developer understand: What is a monad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/674855/help-a-c-sharp-developer-understand-what-is-a-monad subset of functional features and so maybe monads can't be expressed in C#. However surely it is possible to convey the concept At..
MemoryCache Strangeness http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6895956/memorycache-strangeness The percentage of physical memory that the cache can use expressed as an integer value from 1 to 100. The default is zero which..
The deserializer has no knowlege of any type that maps to this contract http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736900/the-deserializer-has-no-knowlege-of-any-type-that-maps-to-this-contract no need to flatten them first since trees can be trivially expressed in xml. Do you really need to flatten it Example using System..
Why is WinRT unmanaged? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7457371/why-is-winrt-unmanaged WinRT the way it was designed it gains the ability to be expressed in many different languages not just C C# and JS. For instance..
Strange behavior when casting a float to int in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8911440/strange-behavior-when-casting-a-float-to-int-in-c-sharp rounding it's actually the value 61.99999809265137 when expressed as a double and that your question is only about why two seemingly..