c# Programming Glossary: exponent
Double to string conversion without scientific notation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1546113/double-to-string-conversion-without-scientific-notation char decSeparator sep.ToCharArray 0 string exponentParts str.Split 'E' string decimalParts exponentParts 0 .Split.. 0 string exponentParts str.Split 'E' string decimalParts exponentParts 0 .Split decSeparator fix missing decimal point if decimalParts.Length.. point if decimalParts.Length 1 decimalParts new string exponentParts 0 0 int exponentValue int.Parse exponentParts 1 string..
How To Represent 0.1 In Floating Point Arithmetic And Decimal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3448777/how-to-represent-0-1-in-floating-point-arithmetic-and-decimal 32 16 2 The sign is positive that's pretty easy. The exponent is 64 32 16 8 2 1 123 127 bias 4 so the multiplier is 2 4 or.. mantissa bits are zero . The sign is again positive. The exponent is 64 32 16 8 4 2 126 127 bias 1 . Hence the multiplier is 2..
Parse a Number from Exponential Notation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3879463/parse-a-number-from-exponential-notation need to parse the string 1.2345E 02 a number expressed in exponential notation to a decimal data type but Decimal.Parse 1.2345E.. 1.2345E 02 simply throws an error c# .net numberformat exponent share improve this question It is a floating point number..
extracting mantissa and exponent from double in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/389993/extracting-mantissa-and-exponent-from-double-in-c-sharp mantissa and exponent from double in c# Is there any straightforward way to get the.. Is there any straightforward way to get the mantissa and exponent from a double in c# or .NET in general I found this example.. relevant bit of the code is Translate the double into sign exponent and mantissa. long bits BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits d Note..
Parse decimal and filter extra 0 on the right? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4298719/parse-decimal-and-filter-extra-0-on-the-right uint bits 2 64 int sign bits 3 int.MinValue int exponent bits 3 0xff0000 16 The loop condition here is ugly because.. ugly because we want to do both the DivRem part and the exponent check while exponent 0 BigInteger remainder BigInteger divided.. to do both the DivRem part and the exponent check while exponent 0 BigInteger remainder BigInteger divided BigInteger.DivRem..
Engineering notation in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/808104/engineering-notation-in-c static string ToEngineeringNotation this double d double exponent Math.Log10 Math.Abs d if Math.Abs d 1 switch int Math.Floor.. Math.Abs d if Math.Abs d 1 switch int Math.Floor exponent case 0 case 1 case 2 return d.ToString case 3 case 4 case.. .ToString Y else if Math.Abs d 0 switch int Math.Floor exponent case 1 case 2 case 3 return d 1e3 .ToString m case 4 case..