c# Programming Glossary: expr.body
IQueryable extension method for linq2entities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10826275/iqueryable-extension-method-for-linq2entities expr.Update new ExtendableVisitor .Visit expr.Body expr.Parameters public static Func TContext TArg0 TResult Compile.. expr.Update new ExtendableVisitor .Visit expr.Body expr.Parameters public static Func TContext TArg0 TArg1 TResult.. expr.Update new ExtendableVisitor .Visit expr.Body expr.Parameters public static Func TContext TArg0 TArg1 TArg2..
How to call generic method with a given Type object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1408120/how-to-call-generic-method-with-a-given-type-object T Expression Action T expr return MethodCallExpression expr.Body .Method .GetGenericMethodDefinition public void Test T Console.WriteLine..
How to get variable name using reflection? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2566101/how-to-get-variable-name-using-reflection T Expression Func T expr var body MemberExpression expr.Body return body.Member.Name You can use this method as follows static..
Combining two expressions (Expression<Func<T, bool>>) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457316/combining-two-expressions-expressionfunct-bool expr return Expression.Lambda Func T bool Expression.Not expr.Body expr.Parameters 0 Otherwise depending on the LINQ provider you..
c# - How do you get a variable's name as it was physically typed in its declaration? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/716399/c-sharp-how-do-you-get-a-variables-name-as-it-was-physically-typed-in-its-dec Check T Expression Func T expr var body MemberExpression expr.Body Console.WriteLine Name is 0 body.Member.Name Console.WriteLine..