

c# Programming Glossary: explanatory

Displaying Flash content in a C# WinForms application


AxShockwaveFlash1.Play which I think are all self explanatory. It would be great to be able to load the flash content from..

Attach debugger in C# to another process


from the MSDN example so I hope you'll find it self explanatory. extern int CoRegisterMessageFilter is our connection to the..

Project Euler #15


x y 1 and cache the result pathsByBlock block i self explanatory return pathsByBlock block Calling it 20 times for grids with.. in the down direction if y gridSize i progress x y 1 self explanatory return i .Memoize By the way I couldn't think of a better way..

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation


Eager Lazy LazyExpanding The first two should be self explanatory the third is sort of a hybrid it lazy loads resources but doesn't..

C# ASP.NET QueryString parser


right ... at least I think so ... The code should be self explanatory ... Any comments or suggestions to make it better are appreciated...

A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (*)


detected from the client I am recieving the rather self explanatory error A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected..

Is there a Breakpoint Plugin for Visual Studio?


a 'good' quite a subjective term but in this case I mean explanatory and useful resource on creating plug ins for Visual Studio ..

Disruptor.NET example


I got one working see below. Hopefully it's fairly self explanatory. The Console.WriteLine lines are handy for seeing how things..

C# moving the mouse around realistically


calculate a linear mouse movement. Should be pretty self explanatory. GetCursorPosition and SetCursorPosition Point are wrappers..