c# Programming Glossary: expando
What are the true benefits of ExpandoObject? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1653046/what-are-the-true-benefits-of-expandoobject With ExpandoObject it stays elegant and readable. dynamic expando new ExpandoObject expando.Address new ExpandoObject expando.Address.State.. elegant and readable. dynamic expando new ExpandoObject expando.Address new ExpandoObject expando.Address.State WA Console.WriteLine.. new ExpandoObject expando.Address new ExpandoObject expando.Address.State WA Console.WriteLine expando.Address.State Second..
How do I reflect over the members of dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2634858/how-do-i-reflect-over-the-members-of-dynamic-object unlikely to be faster than a dictionary lookup for expando however works for any object expando dynamic or original you.. dictionary lookup for expando however works for any object expando dynamic or original you name it. share improve this answer..
Adding unknown (at design time) properties to an ExpandoObject http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2974008/adding-unknown-at-design-time-properties-to-an-expandoobject System.Dynamic class Program static void Main dynamic expando new ExpandoObject var p expando as IDictionary String object.. static void Main dynamic expando new ExpandoObject var p expando as IDictionary String object p A New val 1 p B New val 2 Console.WriteLine.. object p A New val 1 p B New val 2 Console.WriteLine expando.A Console.WriteLine expando.B The point of this code snippet..
Dynamic Object Serialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3055461/dynamic-object-serialization a dynamic object. convert object to an Expando Object cast expando object to be of type Dictionary use ProtoBuf net Serializer.Serialize..
How to flatten an ExpandoObject returned via JsonResult in asp.net mvc? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5156664/how-to-flatten-an-expandoobject-returned-via-jsonresult-in-asp-net-mvc JSON serialization. First I instantiate the object dynamic expando new ExpandoObject var d expando as IDictionary string object.. the object dynamic expando new ExpandoObject var d expando as IDictionary string object expando.Add SomeProp SomeValueOrClass.. ExpandoObject var d expando as IDictionary string object expando.Add SomeProp SomeValueOrClass So far so good. In my MVC controller..
adding expando properties to a typed object at runtime in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5204382/adding-expando-properties-to-a-typed-object-at-runtime-in-c-sharp expando properties to a typed object at runtime in c# Is there any.. while allowing garbage collection c# garbage collection expando share improve this question Have a look at the ConditionalWeakTable..
AutoMapper (Or Similar) - Allow Mapping of Dynamic types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7778216/automapper-or-similar-allow-mapping-of-dynamic-types class DynamicToStatic public static T ToStatic T object expando var entity Activator.CreateInstance T ExpandoObject implements.. T ExpandoObject implements dictionary var properties expando as IDictionary string object if properties null return entity..
How to specify dynamic field names in a Linq where clause? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2497303/how-to-specify-dynamic-field-names-in-a-linq-where-clause if you could do something like e Salary like some type of Expando Object. c# linq where clause share improve this question..
Dynamic Object Serialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3055461/dynamic-object-serialization kvp.Key kvp.Value I guess I could have used an ExpandoObject but that's another story. Here's a simple test program.. will work for a dynamic object. convert object to an Expando Object cast expando object to be of type Dictionary use ProtoBuf.. .Deserialize as per normal convert dictionary to Expando Object You can convert objects to a collection of name value..
Is there an easy way to merge C# anonymous objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5130367/is-there-an-easy-way-to-merge-c-sharp-anonymous-objects dictionary2 IDictionary string object item2 var result new ExpandoObject var d result as IDictionary string object work with the.. var d result as IDictionary string object work with the Expando as a Dictionary foreach var pair in dictionary1.Concat dictionary2..
XML Serialize dynamic object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7501846/xml-serialize-dynamic-object initial thought was that this should be possible using an Expando Object e.g DataContract public class Root DataMember public.. var root new Root Name My Name DynamicValues new ExpandoObject root.DynamicValues.DynamicValue1 Value 1 root.DynamicValues.DynamicValue2.. get an SerializationException saying Type 'System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject' with data contract name 'ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringanyType..
cast anonymous type to an interface? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9249645/cast-anonymous-type-to-an-interface seem to be possible So what is the best work around Expando dynamic public interface ICoOrd int x get set int y get set..
Patterns for Compensating Lack of Inheritance in SOA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9478015/patterns-for-compensating-lack-of-inheritance-in-soa system design Designing WCF data contracts and operations Expando Objects in C# 4.0 c# .net wcf web services soa share improve..