c# Programming Glossary: expect.call
Mocking a DataReader and getting a Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException: IDisposable.Dispose(); Expected #0, Actual #1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1792984/mocking-a-datareader-and-getting-a-rhino-mocks-exceptions-expectationviolationex SqlDataReader reader mocks.CreateMock SqlDataReader Expect.Call reader.Read .Return true .Repeat.Times 1 Expect.Call reader.Read.. Expect.Call reader.Read .Return true .Repeat.Times 1 Expect.Call reader.Read .Return false Expect.Call reader.HasRows .Return.. true .Repeat.Times 1 Expect.Call reader.Read .Return false Expect.Call reader.HasRows .Return true Expect.Call reader.Dispose Expect.Call..
How to mock extension methods with Rhino Mock? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3988243/how-to-mock-extension-methods-with-rhino-mock method is not included in the mock so when the row Expect.Call reader.ExtensionMethod .Return someValue is reach the ExtensionMethod..
unit test with lambda fail using rhino mock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4338095/unit-test-with-lambda-fail-using-rhino-mock with lambda fail using rhino mock If I have this test Expect.Call _session.Single Admin x x.Email userModel.Email .Repeat.Once.. member.PasswordExpire DateTime.Now.AddDays 1 Expect.Call _session.Single Admin x x.Email userModel.Email .Repeat.Once.. Admin x x.Email userModel.Email .Repeat.Once .Return null Expect.Call _session.Single Member x x.Email userModel.Email .Repeat.Once..