c# Programming Glossary: expecting
C#: Test if string is a guid without throwing exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/104850/c-test-if-string-is-a-guid-without-throwing-exceptions Update 2 Why worry about thrown exceptions Am I really expecting invalid GUIDs all that often The answer is yes . That is why.. answer is yes . That is why I am using TryStrToGuid I am expecting bad data. Example 1 Namespace extensions can be specified by..
Should I always return IEnumerable<T> instead of IList<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072614/should-i-always-return-ienumerablet-instead-of-ilistt if the method that consumes your IEnumerable T result is expecting an IList T it will save the CLR from considering any conversions..
How do I access ARP-protocol information through .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1148778/how-do-i-access-arp-protocol-information-through-net IntPtr.Zero ref bytesNeeded false Call the function expecting an insufficient buffer. if result ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER..
the difference between try/catch/throw and try/catch(e)/throw e http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1697216/the-difference-between-try-catch-throw-and-try-catche-throw-e should yuo need it. As a final remark when you are expecting an exception you should really catch that one specific exception.. exception and not a general Exception ie if you are expecting an InvalidPersonException you should prefer try ... catch InvalidPersonException..
Getting key of value of a generic Dictionary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/255341/getting-key-of-value-of-a-generic-dictionary the key of a value int betaKeys greek.WhatDoIPutHere Beta expecting single 2 c# .net share improve this question Okay here's..
Collection<T> versus List<T> what should you use on your interfaces? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/271710/collectiont-versus-listt-what-should-you-use-on-your-interfaces because it can still be returned as the type they are expecting. API Simplicity List T contains a lot of useful operations such..
Get timestamp from Authenticode Signed files in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3281057/get-timestamp-from-authenticode-signed-files-in-net throw new Win32Exception Marshal.GetLastWin32Error expecting contentType 10 CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED Logger.LogInfo..
Why doesn't VS 2008 display extension methods in Intellisense for String class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/345883/why-doesnt-vs-2008-display-extension-methods-in-intellisense-for-string-class class Since String implements IEnumerable char I was expecting to see the Enumerable extension methods in Intellisense for.. example when typing the period in String s asdf s. I was expecting to see .Select char ... .ToList char etc. I was then suprised..
c# covariant return types utilizing generics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4348760/c-sharp-covariant-return-types-utilizing-generics and hey we just passed a Giraffe to a setter that is expecting a Tiger. If we supported this feature we would have to restrict..
Help with a OleDB connection string for excel files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4551203/help-with-a-oledb-connection-string-for-excel-files Text in the registry you should get the behavior you are expecting. You might however consider using a suitably large number like..
LINQ to SQL: Return anonymous type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/534690/linq-to-sql-return-anonymous-type won't let me return a set of anonymous types since it's expecting Dogs but is there a way to return this without having to create..
The purpose of delegates [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687626/the-purpose-of-delegates we know how to execute the method what parameters it's expecting. If you use a Visual Studio designer to add some events to a.. to a button for example it will all work on a delegate expecting an object and an EventArgs parameter. Hope that helps some.....
In C# will the Finally block be executed in a try, catch, finally if an unhandled exception is thrown? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833946/in-c-sharp-will-the-finally-block-be-executed-in-a-try-catch-finally-if-an-unh is thrown duplicate Another interview question which was expecting a true false answer and I wasn't too sure. Duplicate http stackoverflow.com..
Event Bubbling and MVP: ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851933/event-bubbling-and-mvp-asp-net MVP architecure. Note Though this is a simple example I am expecting an answer scalablt to databinding in GridView control using..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model Which if you are posting this form to an action that is expecting a large deeply nested ViewModel then it will try to hydrate..
C# optional parameters on overridden methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8909811/c-sharp-optional-parameters-on-overridden-methods output of the code below is bbb aaa . But the output I'm expecting is bbb bbb .Is there a solution for this. I know it can be solved..